Christopher Bifani is an artist, writer and musician from Wilmington, North Carolina.

Articles by Author

28 November 2009
I voted for Obama/ I voted against McCain/
Yet somehow I voted Republican/ So will someone please explain/
How "Yes We Can..." Went on to Be/ "......
24 November 2009
As I slog through the debate, no, the debacle on Universal Health Care; As I watch while fellow Americans water down, no, piss on this most noble notion of our...
08 February 2009
Set phasors to Stimulus!

Liberal bloggers seem to be lining up in favor of the $1 trillion-plus stimulus bill to rescue Starship Free Enterpise...
08 December 2008
While talking heads sway back and forth between bashing progressives for their lack of "realism" and bashing republicans for their lack of reality, the really...
16 November 2008
My second day on the scooter I was a little too sure of myself.

My other bike, after all, is an aging V-twin 750cc Yamaha Virago (currently in...
01 October 2008
The big advantage most conservatives have had over most progressives throughout recent American history is way more disposable income. Lots of that translates...
