
David Swanson is the author of "When the World Outlawed War," "War Is A Lie" and "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union." He blogs at and and works for the online activist organization

Articles by Author

13 July 2016

My headline above is a plain English translation of this Pentagonspeak found in a...

06 July 2016


The Democratic Party's draft...

06 July 2016

Clare Hanrahan's memoir...

30 June 2016

This Fourth of July, U.S. war makers will be drinking fermented grain, grilling dead flesh, traumatizing veterans with colorful explosions, and thanking...

17 June 2016

In what's being called the worst mass killing by the United States in the past six months, numerous mentally disturbed individuals, with the...

17 June 2016

As with becoming a whistleblower or an activist or an artist there must be numerous reasons why any individual becomes a terrorist --...
