
Articles by Author

Green marijuana leaf
04 February 2019

You’ve been waiting and waiting and finally the day has come: The Patient Portal for the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program (OMMCP) is accepting...

Green dollar sign with joint being he vertical sign through the S
02 January 2019

"Anyone who walks into a Huntington [Bank] branch should feel welcomed. … We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we...

Cannabis bud
30 October 2018

They’re at it again, which is probably a good thing. The FDA is again seeking comments concerning cannabis like it did last May. This time, it’s looking at...

Two very large marijuana plants in pots under a grow light
02 October 2018

GW Pharmaceuticals: Savior of mankind or bane of human existence?

Once upon a time, there was a guy who knew a lot about marijuana. He attended...

Green chart about hemp facts
06 September 2018

An amazing thing happened in Washington DC. No, it didn’t involve the President, or at least not yet. But it did come from the Republican camp. Congress’...

Letters O-R-G with the opening of the O being the shape of the state of Ohio and underneath the words Ohio Rights Group
07 July 2018

You’ve come a long way baby. Medical marijuana is now legal in Ohio. A bill passed, establishing an industry that will serve a significant portion of the...
