My friends:

The "Peace is the only ANSWER" rally on Feb. 15 was in my eyes a great sucess. Even in the snow and 28 degree weather, people made the choice to be present to speak their minds. If you are one of those people, you honor yourself by being an active participant in what happens in this country. You my friends, are true Americans. I am so proud of all of you. Regardless of whether you are for or against this impending conflict in the Middle East, speaking your mind is giant step in the search for Peace.

Capital University has charged our committee $398.25 for the "security" of this event. If you were there, you already know that the Bexley Police stood 150 yards from the event underneath the Library Lobby so they wouldn't get snowed on. They spoke to no one except me, and they mocked me personally and our event. Personally, I don't usually pay $400 to get mocked by public defenders. In fact, I am personally outraged at that fact.

Regardless of politics, how fair is that a group of like minded people would be charged nearly $400 to assemble? Isn't assembly free in America? I chose to have security for our event. I felt, out of respect for my University and the unsure conditions of the event that this was needful. Since our organization is not yet University sanctioned, Campus Security was not an option.

I contacted the Bexley Police and spoke with them about "special duty" officers. This would have been a $150 charge, but the officers had to volunteer. NO OFFICER volunteered to protect our students. Do the Bexley police feel that our students, who are citizens of Bexley, are not worth protecting? They had to be forced to appear, which forced the charge up to the figure of $398.25, more than twice what they originally offered.

Right now, I am appealing to you. I am required to pay the University nearly $400 by the end of the year. My graduation depends on it, since it has been added to my university account as an individual. If you as an individual, or your campus organization would be interested in donating towards this cause, please contact me.

International ANSWER
c/o Brenna M. Connor
CU 1627 Capital Univ.
Columbus, Ohio 43209

Even a small donation puts us one step closer to Peace. We will be establishing a International ANSWER fund to help educate the people of Capital and the surrounding area about Peace in this world through music, communcation, drama and publications. Peace begins with you and I, and this is a step in the right direction.

God's Peace,
Brenna M. Connor