I think maybe with the wealth of evidence that the whole Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attack may have in fact been a scam, the issue deserves an article in The Free Press. After reading The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin, Pentagate by Thierry Meyssan, Painful Questions by Eric Huffschmidt, and Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert, it seems that the whole 9-11 event may have been a scam to fire up the American Public to back the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove Project for a New American Century agenda. This agenda was apparently laid down well in advance to invade Afghanistan and Iraq for US Oil interests. The whole 9-11 "Independent" Commission appears to have been a whitewash to protect the guilty, and the incompetent accomplices have mostly been promoted as opposed to reprimanded. Anyone with the balls to stand up and question the Official account of what happened has been either ignored or gotten much worse treatment. I would encourage you to read these books and, if so motivated, get the word out. The truth hopefully will emerge, and if in fact they did commit such heinous crimes against America, should be put in prison as opposed to lead the country into this new century. My guess is that Bush is nominating Meirs to Supreme Court Justiceship because he knows he needs one more worshipper in the highest court of this land if and when the whole thing starts to unravel - and the shit starts hitting the fan... just a guess.
I think maybe with the wealth of evidence that the whole Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attack may have in fact been a scam, the issue deserves an article in The Free Press. After reading The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin, Pentagate by Thierry Meyssan, Painful Questions by Eric Huffschmidt, and Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert, it seems that the whole 9-11 event may have been a scam to fire up the American Public to back the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove Project for a New American Century agenda. This agenda was apparently laid down well in advance to invade Afghanistan and Iraq for US Oil interests. The whole 9-11 "Independent" Commission appears to have been a whitewash to protect the guilty, and the incompetent accomplices have mostly been promoted as opposed to reprimanded. Anyone with the balls to stand up and question the Official account of what happened has been either ignored or gotten much worse treatment. I would encourage you to read these books and, if so motivated, get the word out. The truth hopefully will emerge, and if in fact they did commit such heinous crimes against America, should be put in prison as opposed to lead the country into this new century. My guess is that Bush is nominating Meirs to Supreme Court Justiceship because he knows he needs one more worshipper in the highest court of this land if and when the whole thing starts to unravel - and the shit starts hitting the fan... just a guess.