Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University

Since George W. Bush assumed the US presidency in January 2001, numerous articles and books were written that were mostly critical of his foreign policies. Some of the leading American journals referred to Bush’s foreign policy as the cowboy diplomacy. He replaced diplomacy, where healthy dialogues might have served to solve numerous problems, with military action which brought back to our earthly society the rule of the jungle. This is based on the dictum: “Do it my own way or I simply proceed to devastate you.”

Actions Louder than Words

Although by word of mouth the US President often seemed to have used the right phraseology, when it came to action he virtually did the opposite most of the time. In seeking for an advice before he proceeds to make a major decision that would affect the lives of tens of thousands of people, even amounting to millions, he would seek it mostly from those who would tell him what he wants to hear, regardless as to whether it would be true or false, evidenced or not.

If we were to examine most of the major decisions he made, both during his first term and second term in office, we would notice that they basically lacked vision and foresight. They proved to be rather shortsighted as evidenced in his decision to attack and invade Iraq. Of course, we all know that to err is human but to persist in error is diabolical. Because of this reality, the American people and practically the entire world, would not hesitate to forgive him if he were to admit he was wrong and to refrain from repeating the same mistakes.

His obvious determination never to learn from past mistakes made him look as dangerous by many of his critics. These would include foreign political leaders like Nelson Mandela and Oscar Arias as well as national political leaders like Edward Kennedy and Dennis Kucinich. There seems to have never been a US President in history who disregarded constantly the advice of members of the US Congress, US top military officials, and the majority of the American people. He managed to throw them all into the toilet and just flush them.

According to well known and highly respected writers of the caliber of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, Bush has succeeded to bring under his full control the US Supreme Court and to demoralize and virtually castrate the US Congress. With these two branches of government injected with paralysis, Bush succeeded to establish absolute power in the sense that he would proceed to do what he wants regardless of what the US Congress as a whole and the majority of the American people would want. In his two terms as President, George W. Bush spent most of his time and energy on planning to promote wars.

Ignoring American Welfare

Hardly anything was done to provide the American people with a good health care system, with a good education where the problem of discipline in lower education could be brought under control, and with the provision of adequate shelter for the homeless. In addition, there have been quite a number of vital others things that he seems to have ignored for all practical purposes and that would include environmental protection. Needless to say, he did also manage to control with iron fist the conservative right extremists by playing their musical tune each time he had an opportunity.

This was done by deliberately expressing openly his belief in God and in prayer, in the unity and integrity of marriage, in the condemnation of gay people’s lifestyle, and the safeguard of democracy and freedom. In theory this appeal sounds good and may be termed to be praiseworthy. Questions that need to be raised here are these: Does he really mean what he says? What kind of God he has in mind? Is it the God of mercy and love that Jesus preached where we return hatred with love and revenge with kindness? Is it the God of the Pharisees that advocated the eye for an eye and the tooth for a tooth?

What does he mean by “unity and integrity of marriage” when he wages wars that would cause the husband or the wife, the son or the daughter to leave the family and go overseas to fight needless wars when through good diplomacy we may solve so many problems? Many US soldiers that were sent overseas to fight in wars and managed to survive, returned back with many psychological problems that literally demolished many marriages afterwards.

Are gay people viewed as bad when residing in the USA but as good and patriotic when they are sent to fight in wars where they risk to be killed, maimed or becoming psychologically disturbed for life? The American people were told that the purpose of the invasion of Iraq and the waging of war there was to bring democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. Is there anyone in his/her right senses to believe this when these elements do not exist in the USA any longer?

In his first term in office, Bush was proclaimed the new US president in spite of having obtained 500,000 votes less than his opponent Al Gore. In a genuine democracy one assumes the presidency after he/she secures from the nation’s people a majority of at least one vote! Do the American people enjoy real freedom when they are not allowed to visit a number of countries including their peaceful neighbor Cuba? There was a time when genuine freedom of movement existed in America, when people could travel to any country they wished at their own risk with no governmental interference.

Blessing in Disguise

If it is true that George W. Bush has plunged the United States into a serious crisis with his cowboy diplomacy of machismo, threats and fears, it is also true that this same president has inspired the entire nation of the dire and desperate need for a constitutional reform. For this he deserves to have all the credit and maybe one day in retrospect both the American nation and the rest of the world would start viewing the presidency of George W. Bush as a blessing in disguise. Here are some lessons enlisted that he inspired us to pursue:

1. Changing the two term presidency of four years each into one term presidency of merely five years. Bush would have ended his presidency in January 2006.

2. Replacing the constitutional phrase, the “right” to bear arms with the “privilege” to bear arms. With the exception of the police and military, no one should bear arms except for hunting with a specially issued license.

3. Initiating an international program of disarmament and arms control since the world would be infinitely safer with less weapons and less wars. This could be done in collaboration with the United Nations.

4. Abolishing all nuclear weapons and landmines. The current US policy that those nations that already have nuclear weapons let them keep them, but those without them must never have them has created needless tensions.

5. Solving all political problems by using strong diplomatic means through healthy dialogues. Politicians should never again use the military to secure violently what they cannot achieve diplomatically.

6. Improving the role of the military, changing it from an element of destruction to an instrument of construction. There has hardly been a case in history where the military was not linked with atrocious and deadly activities.

7. Using the people, rather than politicians, to serve as ambassadors of good will in all the countries of the world. Ordinary people feel comfortable with other ordinary people with whom they share the same concerns and feelings.

8. Prohibiting big corporations from establishing monopoly on anything if evidence is furnished that the welfare of people anywhere in the world would be negatively and destructively affected.

9. Safeguarding our air and water from pollution and toxic wastes that are normally emitted by manufacturing companies. In the USA alone some two million Americans incur cancer every year because of this problem.

10. Protecting human rights, which have been violated so many times, especially the right of freedom of movement, which involves people visiting any country they wish with no governmental hindrances whatsoever.

11. Promoting peace education at all levels of education. This would involve the development of a good character and a strong personality as to enable everyone to undergo any sacrifice to help create a better world.

12. Outlawing all kinds of wars. This would involve bringing under full control the further manufacture and sales of weapons. Countries should be provided with the essentials of life but never with weapons and military devices.

13. Making it criminal to become rich out of the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars. This should be considered as a serious and intolerable crime and the USA should take the lead in this effort.

14. Creating a general fund for people in need to be provided with food and shelter as well as with appropriate medical facilities and schools. Those that made millions from weapons and wars must put all this money into such a fund. 15. Devising a style of life that would be characterized by such virtues as faith, hope, charity, love, humility, patience, tolerance, perseverance, prudence, courage, wisdom, fortitude and compassion, in addition to others.

The next US President needs to learn from the mistakes that George W. Bush had made and vouch to God and to the American people never to repeat them. This way the presidency of George W. Bush could be viewed in history as having been a blessing in disguise, as a unique opportunity for the American people to turn properly and effectively a crisis into a good opportunity.