The recent so-called "election" of George W Bush in the USA signals plainly
that America is too be taken down by force. The puppeteers behind the New
World Order have determined that America will be turned into a defacto
federal fascist police state, complete with concentration camps and
guillotines. Targeted will be American dissidents- both left and right-
anyone who opposes the coming dictatorial New World Order.
The American people voted en masse to elect Democratic Senator John Kerry.
The ultra-right wing corporate owners of the electronic voting machines
(Diebold Inc, hq'ed in the US state of Ohio) used in the 2004 elections,
were fixed, manipulated and illegally hacked, tampered and altered to
"elect" George W Bush as President. Diebold's CEO in Ohio is stated on
record that he was 'dedicated to deliver the election to Bush'. The USA has
a long history of manipulating elections in other "banana republic"
countries throughout the world. Now they have manipulated the elections in
the USA and completely fooled and usurped the American people and the
American vote FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!.
The Republicans now have a record majority both in the US House of
Representatives and the US Senate. A large majority of the States'
governors are Republican, and the US Supreme Court faces several new
extremist republican appointees in the coming years, dramatically turning
the court that much further to the ultra right for decades to come.
The Republicans ALSO now have strong control over all three branches of the
US Federal Government and a large majority of the States. Expect to see a
rapid expansion of the already existing national police state
infrastructure, the passage of new Patriot Act 2 legistlation (sometimes
called the Super Patriot Act- which will designate all domestic dissidents
as 'enemy combatants') and the swift introduction and implementation of a
National ID Card.
America has been in an ideological state of siege since 9/11. All the moral
and psychological prohibitions on the reactionary ultra-right wing have
been lifted forever. With the extreme right wing now firmly in power and
control of the United States, expect ONLY the forced enslavement of the
American populace in the coming years. By contrast, 77% of the world's
nations and peoples have said that they would have voted for Senator John
Kerry in the 2004 elections. This statistic ALONE shows how skewed to the
ultra/extremist right the American political and ideological system has
Its now the USA vs the world...the showdown has just begun.
Steve Jones
Mount Shasta, California
America is in full-scale retrograde.