I am surprised how your story frames the issues. After
Florida in 2000, Ohio should have been expected. Can
you name one person who helped 'shift' the vote
towards Bush in Florida who has been held to account?
I would believe a decent lawyer could have made quite
a case for constructive conspiracy. If those who have
their hands on the controls of the machinery are not
held to account, how can you ever expect it to stop?
I am NO supporter of Bush and did not vote for him. What I hear is a lot of noise. The people who did this need to be put at personal risk for their actions. In all of Ohio, is there no one with the guts of Ronnie Earle?
Russ Bauman
Anaheim, CA
I am NO supporter of Bush and did not vote for him. What I hear is a lot of noise. The people who did this need to be put at personal risk for their actions. In all of Ohio, is there no one with the guts of Ronnie Earle?
Russ Bauman
Anaheim, CA