Oct. 27
Yea, I know I said I was too dejected to do this again but Angsto seems a good way to protest the death of the Constitution... so the site is back since I switched back to cable...
A few hours of tweaking and the addition of some updated material and Angsto is back to fight the good fight. I promise to add much more since we are quickly going to hell in a handbasket... the November "elections" should be a test whether Karl Rove and the PNAC monsters, , will hack another GOP win...
Nov. 5
Are these fascists actually jumping ship when its become undeniable that the entire world rejects them and their monstrous acts? Are they simply dumping their already disposable organ-grinder monkey Bush as they've planned all along, either allowing a newly Democratic Congress to impeach [read as just another brand of Demopublican one party rule] or force out the Administration with preplanned attacks from the very people who installed them, Baker et al? Or are these guys in fact just a bunch of complete assholes, incapable of succeeding at anything besides greasing each other with taxpayer cash? Are they in fact all incompetent, low self esteem losers who send others to fight their battles from the safety of their offices of academia, simply failed college professors who cant even teach, let alone do..? The deepest question is what kind of a population is so fucking lazy, degenerate and stupid that they allow freaks like Pearl and Wolfowitz to dictate policy and still continue to believe this country EVER had a free election system? George Carlin is the only man who speaks publicly now, as Mark Twain did in his day, to the dark truth... that there is no free democratic republic, there has never been one, that this "nation" has and always will be owned by a handful of men whom we never see, never really know their names and never will be able to touch... EVER. Voting is stupid. The entire thing is a dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors. I'm not going to bother this time around, honestly. Not because I just learned there is a 15 day pre-election cut off for people who move to notify the guvamint of their new digs or they cant vote [yet another game to disinfranchise those who are unsavory, the poor, the worker,the renter, those without homes mortgaged to the eyeballs and therefore slaves to the banking system, and on and on]... nay dear friends not because I failed to do so and now technically cant vote at all but because I am simply fed up to my nutsack with all this craziness, all this monkey business, all this chimpanzee hooting and flailing of arms our species engages in. I am fuckin' done with it... I am just gonna keep plodding along, playing with this pretend financial system and all this now over-printed currency that has flooded the world markets to the tune of trillions of pieces of paper money with dead presidents on them. Let these chimps hoot and shake branches all they want, it doesnt matter which chimps "win" their "elections"... it is accepted scientific fact now that we have very probably passed the point of no return when it comes to global ecosystem breakdown... the latest is that the global temperature will rise several degrees, most of the planet will become uninhabitable, billions will perish, the oceans will literally cease to function with complete die offs of plankton and fish stocks and the resultant releases of carbon dioxide and methane will kill most living things on the land as well. Within our lifetimes kiddies... no shit.
Nov. 7 [6pm Pacific time]
I just heard these people at Fox say that exit polls, which for decades have been absolutely correct to within a percent or two, yes, that exit polls today were suspect as they have been since the 2000 presidential election. The fix is on. The exit polls have been overwhelmingly democratic but guess what, I predict that the key Senate seats will be a last minute surprise going from democratic to repulsican, I mean republican. The Administration will still control a rubberstamp Senate and House bills and potential impeachment proceedings will be dead before they reach the front door of the House of Representatives. ALL HAIL KARL ROVE!
P.S. I am so ashamed, I voted today despite what my brain tells me... but I didnt vote for Feinstein here in California, she has been running a spot with her granddaughter and she poses as such a sweet grandmotherly type... I know she and the rest of these frauds voted for an illegal war, continued to support it until it became painfully obvious the people were sickened by it and will continue to pursue an illegal occupation despite all their bullshit. I soothed my ego by voting for all the referendums and such that provide for the homeless, the poor and such here in LA and California. Also the alternative fuels initiative which may make a dent in the big oil monopoly got my vote. They just announced a DEMOCRAT as winner for Ohio Governor, good luck there Bob Fitrakis, I doubt he will pay the slightest bit of attention to real democratic issues or even give you and the Greens an invitation to the inauguration...
Nov. 8 [1am Pacific time]
Can Karl Rove fail too? It is 1am here in California, I just got back from driving a sad Republican to some very sad parties down in Orange county in the limo, and CNN and others are saying its 90% sure that the dems will take the Montana senate seat... oddly enough this Senate control thing will once again come down to a single state, namely Virginia and that imbecile George Allen... can Rove have twisted the vote enough to keep him in office and therefore keep the dems from impeaching Cheneybush? [I dont think the dems will have the guts to impeach and will split on the war and such issues, basically caving once again to the military industrial complex]. Webb in Virginia is "leading" by only a measly 1000+ votes... unbelievable. A repub Senate? It is not possible that the neocons would allow the Senate to get away from them... look for much weirdness over the next months. Now as to this oh so even split all the time in a "two party system"...
HOW IS THIS NONSENSE POSSIBLE? How is it possible that voting in this country can somehow be so narrowly split, time after time? It isnt possible, it is fixed... from the top down to make us believe we have a democracy. Both parties will continue to commit sinister, warmongering, police state atrocities... Remember Waco? Dead babies for no reason thank you dems... remember the genocides in Africa and Asia these past 3 decades? Thank you both parties for doing nothing...
The dems and repubes are given a little leeway to goof around and line their pockets as long as the big picture isnt changed... again Eisenhower warned us so I wont keep repeating who runs this country and therefore world financial and social policies.
Good luck to the dems, but ask them over and over... "Will you fail us?"
Angsto -------------
Nov. 8 [3pm Pacific time]
I dont think the country realizes the enormous contribution you guys, Fitrakis et al, made to this election process and exposing the Rovian dirty tricks. You kept shouting until even CNN and MSNBC had to mention it. I noticed something interesting following the major reports, CNN, MSNBC, even FOX... they all kept making offhand and hushed remarks as to how the apparent exit polls [which they refuse to openly quote or acknowledge] showed a much greater democratic turnout than the overwhelming results that were shown and could not be denied. They talked of the AP count and how the polls [oh so secret] had to be incorrect since they showed an even more massive democratic sweep. Key seats like Pryce seemed to have actually gone democratic but the Rove tricks turned them into republican wins and that despite the Rove black ops even those attempts couldn't overcome the massive anti-republican anti-bush vote. That means that the millions of fictitious Bush votes in 2004 evaporated and hundreds of thousands more who voted republican turned against CheneyBush and Rove and voted with their conscience this time around. People were watching and it harder to be a crook when youre being watched.
I think that if you guys keep pushing the criminal activities will be exposed as more than just glitches and will prove to be an organized criminal conspiracy. Here's to democratic investigations which have obviously shaken the Administration to the point they are making noises how they want to work with the dems [forget their arrogance these past 6 years] and the dumping of Rumsfeld [probably more to soften the blow of the Baker report and to stave off the potential impeachment proceedings]. So spend my $200 well, expose the continued election fraud and lets hope 2008 brings an honest and open presidential election.
Howard Luken
Nov. 8 [6pm Pacific time]
The AP and everyone else has announced that the Virginia Senate seat went to Webb, the democrat [remember he was a republican a mere couple years ago]. How can Karl Rove have failed? This can't be... Conservative talking heads, pundits and neocons are jumping ship like rats. Are we living in a dreamworld? Will the now Democratic Congress investigate and IMPEACH? There will be no tie breaking votes from Cheney, no stonewalling Senate, none of this "bipartisan" bullshit the Repubs are now meekly offering despite their supreme arrogance of the past 12 years. I am simply and absolutely shocked that the fascists have let this thing slip away. They look like a complete bunch of incompetent morons now. How can a group who so easily stole 2 presidential elections have failed so miserably now? This is too tasty... even Rush Limbaugh just said on MSNBC that he was tired of "carrying water" for weak people on the right, too much! They are like cockroaches, show weakness and your fellows will turn on you and EAT YOU. Always knew that republicans ate their young... now it is clear they will tear at each other after the lies lose steam. Now the Dems must kill the Military Commissions Act, the Patriot Act, and pursue impeachment or we will simply limp along for another few years with the same old same old.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa...
Nov. 5
Are these fascists actually jumping ship when its become undeniable that the entire world rejects them and their monstrous acts? Are they simply dumping their already disposable organ-grinder monkey Bush as they've planned all along, either allowing a newly Democratic Congress to impeach [read as just another brand of Demopublican one party rule] or force out the Administration with preplanned attacks from the very people who installed them, Baker et al? Or are these guys in fact just a bunch of complete assholes, incapable of succeeding at anything besides greasing each other with taxpayer cash? Are they in fact all incompetent, low self esteem losers who send others to fight their battles from the safety of their offices of academia, simply failed college professors who cant even teach, let alone do..? The deepest question is what kind of a population is so fucking lazy, degenerate and stupid that they allow freaks like Pearl and Wolfowitz to dictate policy and still continue to believe this country EVER had a free election system? George Carlin is the only man who speaks publicly now, as Mark Twain did in his day, to the dark truth... that there is no free democratic republic, there has never been one, that this "nation" has and always will be owned by a handful of men whom we never see, never really know their names and never will be able to touch... EVER. Voting is stupid. The entire thing is a dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors. I'm not going to bother this time around, honestly. Not because I just learned there is a 15 day pre-election cut off for people who move to notify the guvamint of their new digs or they cant vote [yet another game to disinfranchise those who are unsavory, the poor, the worker,the renter, those without homes mortgaged to the eyeballs and therefore slaves to the banking system, and on and on]... nay dear friends not because I failed to do so and now technically cant vote at all but because I am simply fed up to my nutsack with all this craziness, all this monkey business, all this chimpanzee hooting and flailing of arms our species engages in. I am fuckin' done with it... I am just gonna keep plodding along, playing with this pretend financial system and all this now over-printed currency that has flooded the world markets to the tune of trillions of pieces of paper money with dead presidents on them. Let these chimps hoot and shake branches all they want, it doesnt matter which chimps "win" their "elections"... it is accepted scientific fact now that we have very probably passed the point of no return when it comes to global ecosystem breakdown... the latest is that the global temperature will rise several degrees, most of the planet will become uninhabitable, billions will perish, the oceans will literally cease to function with complete die offs of plankton and fish stocks and the resultant releases of carbon dioxide and methane will kill most living things on the land as well. Within our lifetimes kiddies... no shit.
Nov. 7 [6pm Pacific time]
I just heard these people at Fox say that exit polls, which for decades have been absolutely correct to within a percent or two, yes, that exit polls today were suspect as they have been since the 2000 presidential election. The fix is on. The exit polls have been overwhelmingly democratic but guess what, I predict that the key Senate seats will be a last minute surprise going from democratic to repulsican, I mean republican. The Administration will still control a rubberstamp Senate and House bills and potential impeachment proceedings will be dead before they reach the front door of the House of Representatives. ALL HAIL KARL ROVE!
P.S. I am so ashamed, I voted today despite what my brain tells me... but I didnt vote for Feinstein here in California, she has been running a spot with her granddaughter and she poses as such a sweet grandmotherly type... I know she and the rest of these frauds voted for an illegal war, continued to support it until it became painfully obvious the people were sickened by it and will continue to pursue an illegal occupation despite all their bullshit. I soothed my ego by voting for all the referendums and such that provide for the homeless, the poor and such here in LA and California. Also the alternative fuels initiative which may make a dent in the big oil monopoly got my vote. They just announced a DEMOCRAT as winner for Ohio Governor, good luck there Bob Fitrakis, I doubt he will pay the slightest bit of attention to real democratic issues or even give you and the Greens an invitation to the inauguration...
Nov. 8 [1am Pacific time]
Can Karl Rove fail too? It is 1am here in California, I just got back from driving a sad Republican to some very sad parties down in Orange county in the limo, and CNN and others are saying its 90% sure that the dems will take the Montana senate seat... oddly enough this Senate control thing will once again come down to a single state, namely Virginia and that imbecile George Allen... can Rove have twisted the vote enough to keep him in office and therefore keep the dems from impeaching Cheneybush? [I dont think the dems will have the guts to impeach and will split on the war and such issues, basically caving once again to the military industrial complex]. Webb in Virginia is "leading" by only a measly 1000+ votes... unbelievable. A repub Senate? It is not possible that the neocons would allow the Senate to get away from them... look for much weirdness over the next months. Now as to this oh so even split all the time in a "two party system"...
HOW IS THIS NONSENSE POSSIBLE? How is it possible that voting in this country can somehow be so narrowly split, time after time? It isnt possible, it is fixed... from the top down to make us believe we have a democracy. Both parties will continue to commit sinister, warmongering, police state atrocities... Remember Waco? Dead babies for no reason thank you dems... remember the genocides in Africa and Asia these past 3 decades? Thank you both parties for doing nothing...
The dems and repubes are given a little leeway to goof around and line their pockets as long as the big picture isnt changed... again Eisenhower warned us so I wont keep repeating who runs this country and therefore world financial and social policies.
Good luck to the dems, but ask them over and over... "Will you fail us?"
Angsto -------------
Nov. 8 [3pm Pacific time]
I dont think the country realizes the enormous contribution you guys, Fitrakis et al, made to this election process and exposing the Rovian dirty tricks. You kept shouting until even CNN and MSNBC had to mention it. I noticed something interesting following the major reports, CNN, MSNBC, even FOX... they all kept making offhand and hushed remarks as to how the apparent exit polls [which they refuse to openly quote or acknowledge] showed a much greater democratic turnout than the overwhelming results that were shown and could not be denied. They talked of the AP count and how the polls [oh so secret] had to be incorrect since they showed an even more massive democratic sweep. Key seats like Pryce seemed to have actually gone democratic but the Rove tricks turned them into republican wins and that despite the Rove black ops even those attempts couldn't overcome the massive anti-republican anti-bush vote. That means that the millions of fictitious Bush votes in 2004 evaporated and hundreds of thousands more who voted republican turned against CheneyBush and Rove and voted with their conscience this time around. People were watching and it harder to be a crook when youre being watched.
I think that if you guys keep pushing the criminal activities will be exposed as more than just glitches and will prove to be an organized criminal conspiracy. Here's to democratic investigations which have obviously shaken the Administration to the point they are making noises how they want to work with the dems [forget their arrogance these past 6 years] and the dumping of Rumsfeld [probably more to soften the blow of the Baker report and to stave off the potential impeachment proceedings]. So spend my $200 well, expose the continued election fraud and lets hope 2008 brings an honest and open presidential election.
Howard Luken
Nov. 8 [6pm Pacific time]
The AP and everyone else has announced that the Virginia Senate seat went to Webb, the democrat [remember he was a republican a mere couple years ago]. How can Karl Rove have failed? This can't be... Conservative talking heads, pundits and neocons are jumping ship like rats. Are we living in a dreamworld? Will the now Democratic Congress investigate and IMPEACH? There will be no tie breaking votes from Cheney, no stonewalling Senate, none of this "bipartisan" bullshit the Repubs are now meekly offering despite their supreme arrogance of the past 12 years. I am simply and absolutely shocked that the fascists have let this thing slip away. They look like a complete bunch of incompetent morons now. How can a group who so easily stole 2 presidential elections have failed so miserably now? This is too tasty... even Rush Limbaugh just said on MSNBC that he was tired of "carrying water" for weak people on the right, too much! They are like cockroaches, show weakness and your fellows will turn on you and EAT YOU. Always knew that republicans ate their young... now it is clear they will tear at each other after the lies lose steam. Now the Dems must kill the Military Commissions Act, the Patriot Act, and pursue impeachment or we will simply limp along for another few years with the same old same old.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa...