As a registered democrat, and a Kerry voter, I am appalled by the direction the country is going. The elections were tainted, the republicans again manipulated a win. The press has been neutered. No longer do we have courageous journalists working for prominent newspaper and TV news agencies working to inform the country of the realities of this war. I am frightened for the future of my country, where overzealous citizens report others to the FBI for expressing their opinions. The militant government represses free speech while they strangle the human rights of others. Citizenry rejoice at the senseless slaying of innocent children because they claim Islam as their religion. I am sickened and distressed by what is happening, and feel helpless to do anything about it. Where is the voice for the truth?? Where is the news agency who will stand up and resist? What happened to honesty? Has this government succeeded in terrorizing the whole free press system into cowering like whipped dogs? I would support the news agency that would support my right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom to vote and have my vote legitimately counted.