Disturbing details of the US-led War on Terror have emerged recently. These details continue to expose the complicity of our anti-terror allies: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. First, the Congressional report linking Saudi funds to terrorist activities further shows the two faces of Saudis in the US-led War on Terror. Then, as reported in an article in NY Times, Pakistan's proliferation of nuclear technology to North Korea in exchange for North Korea's missile technology questions Pakistan's shadowy role as a front-line state in the War on Terror.

The North Korea - Pakistan nuclear nexus is a major threat to the international security. By allowing Pakistan to continue proliferation of nuclear weapons technology to North Korea in exchange for missile technology, we may be undermining our own security as well as that of our democratic allies, namely, South Korea, Japan, India and Russia. Communist China, which borders both Pakistan and North Korea and has been known to supply key weapons technologies to both her rogue neighbors, has been an active participant in this game of deception.

We have a clear choice: continue to be deceived by sweet-talking dictators or act firmly to dismantle the nuclear weapons infrastructure in Pakistan and North Korea.


In North Korea and Pakistan, Deep Roots of Nuclear Barter

www.nytimes.com/2002/11/24/international/asia/24KORE.html?todaysheadlines ines

9/11 Report Says Saudi Arabia Links Went Unexamined www.nytimes.com/2002/11/23/international/middleeast/23TERR.html

Putin Questions U.S. Terror Allies www.nytimes.com/2002/11/23/international/europe/23PREX.html