I'm writing regarding Rhonda Lokeman's article, assumingly about Mitt Romney, titled "Big Love's Big Problem".  Although, I'm somewhat confused.  Governor Romney's name is mentioned a total of six times in the article, while the name of "Big Love" is mentioned eleven times.  Is Big Love a nickname for Romney? 

Now, I understand that that the Free Press is a left-leaning, "progressive" publication.  You have every right to your opinions and interpretation of facts.  But the intellectual dishonesty and, frankly,  ignorant religious bigotry found in this article is beyond belief.  The use of the nickname "Big Love", without any type of explanation of its connotation, is very dishonest.  So maybe I'll attempt to make the connection --  "Big Love" is an HBO series about a non-Mormon family practicing polygamy and trying to live normal lives in Utah.  Mitt Romney is a presidential candidate who happens to be a Mormon.  Quite the stretch to connect these dots.  But Ms. Lokeman takes the leap.  She alludes that not only Romney, but the LDS Church as a whole, condones, embraces, and practices polygamy.  Perhaps Lokeman was unaware that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ended its practice of plural marriage nearly 120 years ago.   Those practicing polygamy in Utah are as Mormon as Protestants are Catholics.  Romney's the one top-tier republican candidate who has only had one wife.

Here's a link to a great blog regarding Ms. Lokeman's mistakes in this article.  Again, you're very welcome to your opinions.  But the twisting and contorting of facts is dishonest, especially in an attempt to attack not only one person, but millions worldwide.  I would imagine the Free Press doesn't want to be known as dishonest.  I would appreciate an explanation of how this article made it to publication.

Shawn Hammond