I am the chair person of the Voting Rights Task Force of the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club. Following Nov. 2, we began meeting to challenge what rapidly appeared to be widespread voter suppression and intimidation in OH. Many of us worked in swing states, and we saw the energy and enthusiasm of Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans, who were determined to oust this regime. Instead, we have seen outrageous footage on the Internet of black voters being intimidated in Cleveland by white male challengers, and listened to the hearings from Ohio on Pacifica, and have demanded that our elected representatives in CA stand up for democracy. You can see our petition for Sen. Boxer at our website, We are determined to exercise our first amendment rights in support of our constitutional duty to vote, and will be demanding on Jan. 3, that Senator Boxer challenge the election results on Jan.6. We will present her staff with several thousand signatures of Bay Area residents, demanding that she do just that. In addition, an online petition directed to Sen. Boxer at has already garnered over 20,000 names. Ohio citizens, insist your Democratic state party and elected Congress people stand up and fight!
Donald Goldmacher, MD
Chair, Voting Rights Task Force, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
Donald Goldmacher, MD
Chair, Voting Rights Task Force, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club