In a Sunday, September 17 Dispatch story, the paper sadly noted in their lead that “a spot on this top 10 list doesn’t necessary earn a university bragging rights.” What could the Dispatch be lamenting? OSU being named by Playboy as a “party” school? Hardly. It was, oh the shame, the fact that Mother Jones Magazine had listed The Ohio State University as one of the “Top 10 Activist Campuses.”

Hell, the Dispatch should’ve been proud that Buckeye students were ranked number 6. Sure beats last year’s 6-6 football team. The muck-raking magazine lauded campus activists for picketing and “successfully halt[ing] construction at Ohio Stadium for a day during the recent strike by the Communication Workers of America.”

Frankly, the Freep thinks OSU should have been ranked higher. Who can forget the accomplishments of a campus where international pundits and political analysts still refer to the so-called “Columbus effect.” To refresh reader’s memories, that’s the effect of 400 or so activists including the Lesbian Avengers, hemp activists and Anti-Racist Action types drowning out CNN commentators by chanting “One, Two, Three, Four, we don’t want your racist war” while 200 million watched the live “Iraq Town Hall meeting” at St. John’s Arena in 1998.

The President of Egypt remarked that if the people of Columbus were opposed to the attack on Iraq, then so was he.