If Mr. Cockburn would investigate the science of 9/11 and not some ridiculous claims he would be a real journalists. He cites numerous lies, like there being a picture that shows and outline of the wings at the pentagon, would you like to share this never before seen photo? while the government is at it they should just release one of the five or so surveillence videos that caught the entire impact (not just 5 frames like america has been so privledged to see) well then, where is the plane? the seats, the passengers, how was this plane able to not skid on the ground and manage to take out several light poles and leave no huge pieces of wreakage outside the pentagon? Why is it that the 5 frames released by the pentagon don't show a plane and instead give more evidence to it not being a plane crashing into the pentagon, being it created a massive extremely hot fireball and didn't leave much of a fire like the jet fuel would of done......why is it that you do not give email addresses of your writers? This journalists attempted hit piece on the growing 9.11 truth movement is riddled with holes and doesn't make any solid points. Just because people who believe it was an inside job don't know all the details, like what happened to the plane that supposedly crashed into the most secure building on the planet, doesn't mean that it is not possible.