I can't help but to notice that you have a picture of Bush & Hitler on your
front page of your website.
I am definitely not a proponent of George Bush, or the republican platform,
however I believe you are mis-
guiding your supporters.
Thru research you will find that George Bush is actually an executive tool
used by special interest.
Ergo, Bush will say & do whatever he is told to. I believe you would agree.
Therefore understanding the above truth, then you have to represent Bush as
a reflection of the special interests.
If you honestly believe Bush is babbling words of the Nazi leader then you
are misguided. This executive is strongly guided by Isreali special
interests such as Jensa, and other Zionist factions.
Strong arming in the shadows is Isreals methods of gaining every ounce of
government power, ours that is.
I would say that Bush is a tool of Isreal, which is a secular community
somewhat like that of the Nazi purists.
Keep up the truth!!
RL Kirshner