
T Huffman begins well, but lies his head off at the end.

Anyone who tells you intelligent design (ID) is poor science or creationist religion is out to deceive you.

You can't get the truth from any major media and certainly this commie news rag is not out to help steer you straight. This is one debate that requires getting to the sources and checking out what they say for themselves.

We are not, scientifically speaking, accidental occurrences. The probability is so small as to require nearly infinite universes. That leave the option we are manufactured goods.

Under evolutionist theology, scientific laws are broken. The second law of thermodynamics says entropy increases. Nothing in your experience ever falls upstairs in terms of functional complexity. Inert matter never shakes itself into highly complex functional forms one day and then sparks itself to life the next.

That "prebiotic soup" in the biology textbooks is really just minerals and saltwater. Can a rock become so dissatisfied doing rock things after millions of years that it wants to be a gerbil or a butterfly? Even if it developed the volition, it would lack the wisdom to pull it off.

Then there is DNA, the information storage molecule in our cells. It is called a "book of life" and a "blueprint", because it contains encoded instructions in language form to make, operate and repair one of us from conception to old age. The rule is language is always evidence of a conscious mind.

That's real science. Don't be deceived. Get the rest of the story by going to ID sources; websites and books by William Dembski and Jonathan Wells, to name just two who have double Ph.D's in the right fields and from major universities.

Quentin L. F. Patch
Columbus, Ohio