Our national economy should be a vibrant job market for our communities, and not one that benefits wealthy corporations at our expense. This is why I’m urging my elected officials to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

To know the TPP, I had to learn about NAFTA. The North-American Free Trade Agreement, signed by President Clinton in 1994, was to herald job creation and improve trade relations among the U.S., Canada and Mexico. However, 20 years later, American jobs are outsourced, income inequality has increased and Mexican farmers who have subsequently lost their jobs are coming to the US for work, causing immigration tension. This is what happened when regulations were manipulated in the name of “free trade.” The adminstration and corporations are now suggesting another free trade agreement, the TPP.

The TPP is a free trade agreement between twelve countries: USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Singapore, VietNam, Malaysia, and Japan. You probably have never heard of it. Many members of Congress do not have access to the document! The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and over 600 other corporate “trade advisors” are discussing this behind closed doors. Like NAFTA, the TPP is removing important trade regulations. It will get rid of food safety standards, enforce patent laws limiting access to generic medications, ignore workers’ rights, and violate environmental standards. These free trade agreements hurt the poor by removing safety regulations and capitalizing on their cheap labor to benefit wealthy corporations.

We can stop repeating history and enforce more fair trade practies. Say NO to the TPP. Please join the world for the Intercontinental Day of Action against the TPP and Corporate Globalization this Friday, January 31st. Please call on your elected officials (Congress and Senate) to stop this hidden TPP deal. For more information, please visit Expose the TPP or Citizen.