
People and industries that are still ranting and raving about Janet Jackson's breast need to shut up.

We live every single day with our young men and women in danger and dying in a war that is proving itself each and every day to be a thousand times more obscene than a breast being shown on national TV.

If anyone was watching the commercials for the Super Bowl they would have noticed that there is a very real aggression and negative view to women in general and hints of violence and aggression permeated these thirty-second spots.

I, of course blame George Bush and the whole conservative mind set that is going on in this country right now.  Any time we are at war citizens immediately become more, "moral" and conscious.  This is a mechanism used to keep us from looking at the corruption and lies that are going on right under our noses with our government and especially the news programs that give us the information. The bandwagon that has been transported into a witch-hunt over a one-second view of Janet Jackson's breast is more disturbing than anything I can remember.

Well let me think... When I was a kid I remember all the rage and confusion over Elvis and his swinging hips on the Ed Sullivan show, and it was this same show that had Jim Morrison and the Doors when Morrison said, "Girl could we get much higher."  And of course there was John Lennon stating that the Beatles were more popular than God, a statement that in all of its essence was true.

I wonder if the color of the breast that was revealed would have been different, oh let's say if it would have been Britney's breast, if the outrage would have been as profound, and, this brown breast was revealed to ninety million viewers by a white guy.

Every single day this nation violates the sanctity and constitutional rights of all citizens, especially those citizens of different color, race and especially now, sexual preference. I am disappointed in both Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake for giving in to the outrage and apologizing like two children that just did something "very bad". No, this isn't the "bad" thing going on in this country.  The violation of human, equal, civil and constitutional rights as citizens is "bad".  Lying about the reason to go over and kill so many people, including our own children is "bad".  Ruling a country on fear and confusion is "Bad".

We worry about our children, when who we should be worrying more about those people who are in charge of molding our children's lives.  You know, the adults. Here's the process.  Children always get it.  When they don't get it, it's because those elders who are in charge react with overwrought emotions over the world going through the natural process of change.  The "old" boomers are hanging onto something that just doesn't exist anymore and yet a lot of them are still in charge.  The "young" boomers, which I am a part of, lived through the lies of the sixties and seventies and the drugs and mind opening experiences, so, well we're the ones still doing the battles over rights, and then there are the X's and Y's and zzzz's and they are so profoundly angry and confused over the whole thing that nothing gets done.  We'll something is getting done.  We are moving backwards. Exploitation of woman and minorities is ok as long as it is being manipulated by the hands of the white, angry, dirty old men that still think they are the supreme beings.  Oh, these times, they are a' changing.