
Mr. Wasserman:

No need for confusion here: (1) Web articles clearly demonstrate to anyone with the intelligence of a Teddy Bear that Kerry "threw" the Election.

(2) Articles state that he will be walking off into the mists of time with millions of unspent campaign money.

(3) One article, with references, indicates that Mrs. Heinz-Kerry received a gold warehouse receipt worth 5 million (thanks, no doubt, for keeping a firm grip on our hero's testicles).

(4) Other speculation is that Dr. Dean was shot down early as a real threat to Bush so that a non-entitiy like Kerry, with the personality of a freshly opened oyster,  could impersonate a viable candidate for the public.

(5) Since it would offend many, I will not characterize those who ever thought Kerry had the chance of a snowbell in Hell.

(6) I was about to ramble on about corruption of the voting, but have been interrupted by an ominous knock at the door.

  Bob A.