According to Benito Mussolini, "Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power."
Fascism is an extremely inefficient system. It cannot compete with free enterprise, it cannot compete with socialism or any mixture of the two. To exist, fascism depends on violence and terrorism, secrecy and propaganda. Against the Soviet Union fascists armed Osama bin Laden's cut-throats, against Cuba they aided terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles and so on. Fascists may not be a large percent of U.S. population but they are disproportionately represented in high places of government and industry and their jugular lock on the media has lead to a situation in which large numbers of Americans are under the sway of their propaganda. In times of crisis liberal democrats like FDR build courage,"there is nothing to fear but fear itself". Under fascists you'll instead hear constant fear mongering. Fascism's undoing lies in it's basis of greed and the love of money. We see corporations like Halliburton given contracts worth tens of billions and there is no bidding or competition. This is the opposite of free enterprise. Deals are cut at Cheney's secret meetings to slice up Iraq for oil companies. Lies are told about WMD, etc. Remember Hitler and the Nazi's were expert liars - confusing Germans with claims they were "socialists" while murdering every real socialist they could get their hands on. Similarly fascists here identify themselves with popular national and religious ideals claiming to be Christian or "American" while they trash Constitutional freedoms and violate every teaching of Jesus from peacemaking to helping the poor and not laying up riches to treating nature as a creation of God. The fascists are not fighting a "war on terrorism". They support terrorism 100% as long as it is directed at those they disagree with. Ronald Reagan called bin Laden's terrorists "freedom fighters" and the death squads in Central America "the moral equivalent of our founding fathers". George W. Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker financed the Nazi party's rise to power in Germany, profited off the production of steel for Nazi weapons by slave labor at Auschwitz and then helped Nazi SS escape after WW II by laundering their ill gotten gold through fronts like the Union Bank on Wall Street. Thousands of these fascist war criminals were brought to the U.S. and given lucrative jobs in the intelligence services, etc. But one must always separate fascists from their cover group. Fascism is not restricted to any particular nation, race, religion or political party. Fascism must constantly change alliances and covers as people wise up to them. One minute they are installing, aiding and complimenting Saddam Hussein calling him a "bulwark against communism" and the next minute they are trying to drop bombs on him. Fascists love undercover groups, either governmental or private secret societies such as Skull and Bones, etc. They love to pit people against one another by stereotyping ( all Jews are bad, all Muslims are terrorists, etc. ) or by playing both sides, as when they have candidates on both sides of a ticket. To the fascists "democracy" is defined as a governmental system controlled by the far right irregardless of how they gain power which can include violence, assassination and rigged elections. The word "freedom" to fascists means conditions in which they have the opportunity exploit people and those people have little or no ability to resist. Fascism boils down to a group of extremely greedy people using the power of government, military violence and terrorism to seize as much wealth and power as possible for themselves. Few of the people who have been duped by fascism in America realize what they have lost. Our nation is almost continually at war, deeply in debt and resented around the world. Our environment has been despoiled, free enterprise undermined and a citizen's ability to effect government decisions minimized. The lack of national health care and tuition reimbursement alone will cost the average person hundreds of thousands of dollars in their lifetime. Its brute nature makes fascism formidable but there are ways to neutralize it. People shouldn't let the fascists make them feel afraid. Whenever possible citizens should dig up and expose their secret plans. Openly telling the truth as accurately as possible irritates and foils fascism. So does explaining all sides to an issue and including viewpoints officially "forbidden" and censored in the U.S. such as communist, socialist, etc. Remember to fascists the only acceptable media debate is between the far right and the center right. Our corporate mass media is filled with fascist propaganda. In his 1972 CIA investigation Sen. Church of Idaho discovered there were over 400 CIA agents planted in the popular media. We should defend the U.S. Constitution and civil liberties. When fascists co-opt religion as a cover we can expose their hypocrisy and failure to follow basic tenets. Finally we should oppose all terrorism. It was not acceptable for our tax dollars to build the Al Queda terrorist group in Afghanistan simply because they were terrorizing the old U.S.S.R. Neither is it acceptable to terrorize the people of Iraq with bombs and tanks simply because the fascists had a falling out with Saddam Hussein, a leader they installed and aided in the first place. All violence and terrorism must be condemned irregardless of whether it is carried out by governments using high tech military weapons and paid mercenaries or guerillas using improvised car bombs. Terrorists are never freedom fighters!
Jay Miller
Hills, IA
Fascism is an extremely inefficient system. It cannot compete with free enterprise, it cannot compete with socialism or any mixture of the two. To exist, fascism depends on violence and terrorism, secrecy and propaganda. Against the Soviet Union fascists armed Osama bin Laden's cut-throats, against Cuba they aided terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles and so on. Fascists may not be a large percent of U.S. population but they are disproportionately represented in high places of government and industry and their jugular lock on the media has lead to a situation in which large numbers of Americans are under the sway of their propaganda. In times of crisis liberal democrats like FDR build courage,"there is nothing to fear but fear itself". Under fascists you'll instead hear constant fear mongering. Fascism's undoing lies in it's basis of greed and the love of money. We see corporations like Halliburton given contracts worth tens of billions and there is no bidding or competition. This is the opposite of free enterprise. Deals are cut at Cheney's secret meetings to slice up Iraq for oil companies. Lies are told about WMD, etc. Remember Hitler and the Nazi's were expert liars - confusing Germans with claims they were "socialists" while murdering every real socialist they could get their hands on. Similarly fascists here identify themselves with popular national and religious ideals claiming to be Christian or "American" while they trash Constitutional freedoms and violate every teaching of Jesus from peacemaking to helping the poor and not laying up riches to treating nature as a creation of God. The fascists are not fighting a "war on terrorism". They support terrorism 100% as long as it is directed at those they disagree with. Ronald Reagan called bin Laden's terrorists "freedom fighters" and the death squads in Central America "the moral equivalent of our founding fathers". George W. Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker financed the Nazi party's rise to power in Germany, profited off the production of steel for Nazi weapons by slave labor at Auschwitz and then helped Nazi SS escape after WW II by laundering their ill gotten gold through fronts like the Union Bank on Wall Street. Thousands of these fascist war criminals were brought to the U.S. and given lucrative jobs in the intelligence services, etc. But one must always separate fascists from their cover group. Fascism is not restricted to any particular nation, race, religion or political party. Fascism must constantly change alliances and covers as people wise up to them. One minute they are installing, aiding and complimenting Saddam Hussein calling him a "bulwark against communism" and the next minute they are trying to drop bombs on him. Fascists love undercover groups, either governmental or private secret societies such as Skull and Bones, etc. They love to pit people against one another by stereotyping ( all Jews are bad, all Muslims are terrorists, etc. ) or by playing both sides, as when they have candidates on both sides of a ticket. To the fascists "democracy" is defined as a governmental system controlled by the far right irregardless of how they gain power which can include violence, assassination and rigged elections. The word "freedom" to fascists means conditions in which they have the opportunity exploit people and those people have little or no ability to resist. Fascism boils down to a group of extremely greedy people using the power of government, military violence and terrorism to seize as much wealth and power as possible for themselves. Few of the people who have been duped by fascism in America realize what they have lost. Our nation is almost continually at war, deeply in debt and resented around the world. Our environment has been despoiled, free enterprise undermined and a citizen's ability to effect government decisions minimized. The lack of national health care and tuition reimbursement alone will cost the average person hundreds of thousands of dollars in their lifetime. Its brute nature makes fascism formidable but there are ways to neutralize it. People shouldn't let the fascists make them feel afraid. Whenever possible citizens should dig up and expose their secret plans. Openly telling the truth as accurately as possible irritates and foils fascism. So does explaining all sides to an issue and including viewpoints officially "forbidden" and censored in the U.S. such as communist, socialist, etc. Remember to fascists the only acceptable media debate is between the far right and the center right. Our corporate mass media is filled with fascist propaganda. In his 1972 CIA investigation Sen. Church of Idaho discovered there were over 400 CIA agents planted in the popular media. We should defend the U.S. Constitution and civil liberties. When fascists co-opt religion as a cover we can expose their hypocrisy and failure to follow basic tenets. Finally we should oppose all terrorism. It was not acceptable for our tax dollars to build the Al Queda terrorist group in Afghanistan simply because they were terrorizing the old U.S.S.R. Neither is it acceptable to terrorize the people of Iraq with bombs and tanks simply because the fascists had a falling out with Saddam Hussein, a leader they installed and aided in the first place. All violence and terrorism must be condemned irregardless of whether it is carried out by governments using high tech military weapons and paid mercenaries or guerillas using improvised car bombs. Terrorists are never freedom fighters!
Jay Miller
Hills, IA