There are four words more dear to the soul of a Republican than any other. They express his or her deepest beliefs, their hopes for the future and their pride in past achievements. They are in fact the spiritual underpinning of the modern Republican party. But those words are not, “In God We Trust”. No, the core belief of the GOP is openly and proudly, “The Fix is In.”

Bush has commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby to no prison time and a fine that will underwritten by Scooter’s buds, who will hasten to write checks and relieve him of any liability for his criminality. But Libby is not the problem. The problem is a president who has openly, repeatedly, and sneeringly placed himself above the law for six years. And the even bigger problem is an electorate that has allowed George W. Bush to shred everything this country once stood for, the rule of law, the Constitution of the United States and anything even remotely resembling a civil right. As Harry Truman once said of the national Republican Party of his era, how many times do you need to get hit over the head before you figure out who’