Harvey if you think kerry will change the march to fascism in this country or stop the imperialist drive to rule the world .you are letting your political affiliation overpower your common sense.show me one thing that kerry has said that indicates a fundamental change in direction of the foreigen policy of the u.s.He just like bush wants to protect us and keep us safe from the big bad bogeymen of the world which is just the way dictators use fear to destroy freedom .Its time all people that love the idea of America and what it has strived to be , never perfect but always seeking to be just ,take back our country.HOW? voting for the lesser of two evils, both appointed lackeys of the corporate war machine wont do it so if nobody voted at all that would send a message but better yet if everybody voted for a third party candidate , that, barring an assassination might change things.well so much for fantasyland.Given the stranglehold those in power have on the media and the gullibility of the average oprah ,jerry springer watching ,American I fear we are doomed.