
I just want to pledge a thanks to you for covering the miscount incident here in Gahanna, Ohio on your freepress site. You mentioned on the press that there was a miscount at the New Life Church at the Gahanna, Ohio polling site...well...that's just about a mile down the road from where I live and it doesn't suprise me. This is the same place that displayed bulletins confirming "30 more days of prayer" prior to election. Could this prayer be aimed towards John Kerry or President George W. Bush? I don't know what that mysterious bulletin meant, other than the fact that this is a church that likes to preach to the bypassers about how high of a brand of faith content they carry with their to-close-to-the-road messages. BUT, I'd say that they probably lean towards the right for the simple reason that this is the party that pledges that it is all about faith and values to cover-up their lies and propaganda. You know leftists like myself are just made up of evil because we demand equal rights for all, rather than those who give money to the church for the demand of faith on "faith-based initiatives." This of course is the republicans attempt to recruit those rotten sinners in desparate need for a "ticket to ride" to the gates of their "materialistic" heaven.

Rather than sitting back and stomaching another 4 years of an illegimate president that lost the popular vote during his first a mad citizen of Gahanna, Ohio whose vote might have been tossed aside this time or maybe last term...I'd like to know just how many of these computer glitches took place, not just in Ohio, but the rest of the "red" states as well! Though John Kerry might have concededed too it too late for a true democracy to take place and let the people decide who the most well-spoken and confident leader of this nation should be? OR...are we stuck with another four years of the same agenda legistlated by a predominate white protestant male-dominated initiative led by a man who cannot even pronounce the word "nuclear" correctly? I mean, the Redskins lost this year, why should it be any different than any other term for the incumbents?

F. Michael Moses