The coming global economic collapse will turn America into third world
"basket-case" economic status as a nation when it arrives. Even now, its
economic infrastructure is being largely gutted and outsourced to other nations
such as China.
Down will come the US Dollar, up shall come the European Euro, the new international currency. A shift in geo-political power to democratic/socialist Europe will, in turn, follow. Europe will become the new global superpower and eventual center for world government after the fallout of America's Crash into the dust-bin of history.
In 2005, British Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that the euro will become the world's premiere currency by 2012 at the latest. The US dollar has been plunging in value against the euro for years. The globalists now have America right where they want it, and are eagerly moving in for the kill.
The collapse of the US dollar will reduce America to a level of chaos, poverty and deprivation Americans are woefully unprepared for. It will be a period of tremendous hardship and economic deprivation. The trucks will no longer be pulling into the Wal-Marts and Safeways. Banks and gas stations will close. Hoarding, looting and social breakdown will ensue triggering nationwide outages, violence and chaos. Basic goods and services will most likely be fought over in the streets in the most heavily armed nation on Earth (should make for quite a war zone).
An almost instant depression will seize the entire modern industrialized world as nation-states breakdown, people frantically seeking means of subsistence; staying warm, obtaining food, water etc...
America will be forced to close its military bases worldwide, there will be no money for government services, education, pensions, health care, transportation, social security etc... Society will quickly slip into lawless anarchy. Civil rights and liberties will be suspended. The Constitution will be nullified. The American Police State will go to RED ALERT and declare Martial Law. It will be the end of the American Global Empire.
DOWN will come the SUV's, the motorhomes, palacial estates and American flags. DOWN will come the fascist ultra right-wing christian fundamentalist theocracy and psychopathic murderous US military who slaughter the innocent of the world in the name of Jesus. DOWN shall come the corporate right-wing republican Bush-Cheney vermin/scum and their supporters (that's 1/2 of the country) who make unlawful gain at the expense and exploitation of the people and the planet. DOWN shalll come the rich- that which they have shall be taken from them. Into the prisons and gulags they shall go, never to rise again. OFF with their heads!!!
There is now nothing the USA can do to prevent the inevitable collapse of its currency on the world's markets. The US dollar will soon be sliding into a free-fall, bringing with it a complete, utter and absolute collapse of the American economy. The crash will throw the entire world into a global depression.
The European Union, on the otherhand, will be able to make the necessary political and economic changes that will enable it to revive, flourish and prosper in the ashes of the collapse. Europe and the euro will become the bell-weather of the New International Economic Order to be, and the world's new superpower on Earth.
In March 2005, former prime minister Mahathir Mohammed noted that the US dollar is heading for collapse and urged international businesses to start trading in euros. Mahathir said only the fear of a global economic catastrophe in the event of a dollar crash is helping the greenback retain its value. But the dollar has scant real backing and is weighed down with massive US debt and deficit. Mahathir went on to say, "the catastrophe will come one day because even the most powerful country in the world cannot repay loans amounting to US$7 trillion".
America's days as a superpower are rapidly coming to an end. Isolated by fascist ultra-nationalistic and theocratic unilateralism (the Neo-Con Bush Administration), America has gained many new enemies in the world. The USA can expect no sympathy or help from former allies and rising new powers. The final assault will most likely be multi-dimensional and multi-faceted as nations act in timely coordination and collusion to finially and collectively pull the plug on America and the US dollar.
The point of all of this is that as the dollar is destroyed, the european euro rises to become the dominant world currency in its place (as planned). The euro actually becomes the sledgehammer through which many impoverished second, third and fourth world nations will use to smash the arrogant, despotic government and economy of the United States- putting the final nail in its coffin, so to speak...
As the euro gains strength internationally, so will the European Union, as will the creation and implementation of an eventual world government.
The destruction of Babylon is at hand. The American form of "cutt-throat" capitalism is to be put to death. The rising BEAST government will devour her flesh so that it may ascend to world power, filling the vacuum created by America's demise.
Like the fall of the Roman Empire of old, America will come crashing to the ground until she is dead, dead, dead...
Praise God, Babylon is fallen, she is fallen....
Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Holyhead, England
European Union
1. The Coming Judgement Upon America
2. The Rising BEAST of Revelations
3. ***Book- Thieves in the Temple
by Andre Michael Eggelletion
Website search:
4. ***Book- The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power
by George Soros
Website Search:
5. International Jewish Empire
6. American State Terrorism
7. Boulder, Colorado: the City that Destroyed the World
8. ***Book- Capitalism and the Information Age
by Robert McChesney, Ellen Wood and John Foster
Website search:
9. ***Book- Limits to Growth: the 30 Year Update
by Donella Meadows
Website search:
10. ***Book- How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse
by Jared Diamond
Website search:
11. Green Anarchy
P.O. Box 11331, Eugene, Oregon 97440 USA
12. World War 3 in the Middle East
13. Alternative Radio
P.O. Box 551, Boulder, Colorado 80306 USA
14. Grant Jeffery Ministries
15. Prophet RG Stair
The Overcomer Ministry
P.O. Box 691, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488 USA
16. Q-Files/Steve Quayle
17. Millennium Ark
Stan and Holly Deyo
18. ***Books- Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post Carbon World
AND The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
by Richard Heinberg
The Museletter
1604 Jennings Ave
Santa Rosa, California 95401 USA
19. Prophet's Master Links
Down will come the US Dollar, up shall come the European Euro, the new international currency. A shift in geo-political power to democratic/socialist Europe will, in turn, follow. Europe will become the new global superpower and eventual center for world government after the fallout of America's Crash into the dust-bin of history.
In 2005, British Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that the euro will become the world's premiere currency by 2012 at the latest. The US dollar has been plunging in value against the euro for years. The globalists now have America right where they want it, and are eagerly moving in for the kill.
The collapse of the US dollar will reduce America to a level of chaos, poverty and deprivation Americans are woefully unprepared for. It will be a period of tremendous hardship and economic deprivation. The trucks will no longer be pulling into the Wal-Marts and Safeways. Banks and gas stations will close. Hoarding, looting and social breakdown will ensue triggering nationwide outages, violence and chaos. Basic goods and services will most likely be fought over in the streets in the most heavily armed nation on Earth (should make for quite a war zone).
An almost instant depression will seize the entire modern industrialized world as nation-states breakdown, people frantically seeking means of subsistence; staying warm, obtaining food, water etc...
America will be forced to close its military bases worldwide, there will be no money for government services, education, pensions, health care, transportation, social security etc... Society will quickly slip into lawless anarchy. Civil rights and liberties will be suspended. The Constitution will be nullified. The American Police State will go to RED ALERT and declare Martial Law. It will be the end of the American Global Empire.
DOWN will come the SUV's, the motorhomes, palacial estates and American flags. DOWN will come the fascist ultra right-wing christian fundamentalist theocracy and psychopathic murderous US military who slaughter the innocent of the world in the name of Jesus. DOWN shall come the corporate right-wing republican Bush-Cheney vermin/scum and their supporters (that's 1/2 of the country) who make unlawful gain at the expense and exploitation of the people and the planet. DOWN shalll come the rich- that which they have shall be taken from them. Into the prisons and gulags they shall go, never to rise again. OFF with their heads!!!
There is now nothing the USA can do to prevent the inevitable collapse of its currency on the world's markets. The US dollar will soon be sliding into a free-fall, bringing with it a complete, utter and absolute collapse of the American economy. The crash will throw the entire world into a global depression.
The European Union, on the otherhand, will be able to make the necessary political and economic changes that will enable it to revive, flourish and prosper in the ashes of the collapse. Europe and the euro will become the bell-weather of the New International Economic Order to be, and the world's new superpower on Earth.
In March 2005, former prime minister Mahathir Mohammed noted that the US dollar is heading for collapse and urged international businesses to start trading in euros. Mahathir said only the fear of a global economic catastrophe in the event of a dollar crash is helping the greenback retain its value. But the dollar has scant real backing and is weighed down with massive US debt and deficit. Mahathir went on to say, "the catastrophe will come one day because even the most powerful country in the world cannot repay loans amounting to US$7 trillion".
America's days as a superpower are rapidly coming to an end. Isolated by fascist ultra-nationalistic and theocratic unilateralism (the Neo-Con Bush Administration), America has gained many new enemies in the world. The USA can expect no sympathy or help from former allies and rising new powers. The final assault will most likely be multi-dimensional and multi-faceted as nations act in timely coordination and collusion to finially and collectively pull the plug on America and the US dollar.
The point of all of this is that as the dollar is destroyed, the european euro rises to become the dominant world currency in its place (as planned). The euro actually becomes the sledgehammer through which many impoverished second, third and fourth world nations will use to smash the arrogant, despotic government and economy of the United States- putting the final nail in its coffin, so to speak...
As the euro gains strength internationally, so will the European Union, as will the creation and implementation of an eventual world government.
The destruction of Babylon is at hand. The American form of "cutt-throat" capitalism is to be put to death. The rising BEAST government will devour her flesh so that it may ascend to world power, filling the vacuum created by America's demise.
Like the fall of the Roman Empire of old, America will come crashing to the ground until she is dead, dead, dead...
Praise God, Babylon is fallen, she is fallen....
Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Holyhead, England
European Union
1. The Coming Judgement Upon America
2. The Rising BEAST of Revelations
3. ***Book- Thieves in the Temple
by Andre Michael Eggelletion
Website search:
4. ***Book- The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power
by George Soros
Website Search:
5. International Jewish Empire
6. American State Terrorism
7. Boulder, Colorado: the City that Destroyed the World
8. ***Book- Capitalism and the Information Age
by Robert McChesney, Ellen Wood and John Foster
Website search:
9. ***Book- Limits to Growth: the 30 Year Update
by Donella Meadows
Website search:
10. ***Book- How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse
by Jared Diamond
Website search:
11. Green Anarchy
P.O. Box 11331, Eugene, Oregon 97440 USA
12. World War 3 in the Middle East
13. Alternative Radio
P.O. Box 551, Boulder, Colorado 80306 USA
14. Grant Jeffery Ministries
15. Prophet RG Stair
The Overcomer Ministry
P.O. Box 691, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488 USA
16. Q-Files/Steve Quayle
17. Millennium Ark
Stan and Holly Deyo
18. ***Books- Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post Carbon World
AND The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
by Richard Heinberg
The Museletter
1604 Jennings Ave
Santa Rosa, California 95401 USA
19. Prophet's Master Links