Harvey, Thanks for your recent article.

I was an instructor at Philips Academy, where the Bushes all went for prep school. It is widely regarded as perhaps the most prestigious academy in our nation, and certainly the oldest.

What isn't widely known, except inside the school, is that Dubya was disciplined for scrawling swastikas on jewish students doors. This is known only to the old and new house counselors, the deans, a few faculty, the student involved, myself, others withing PA where it is held close to the chest.

You might get this word out. I can attest to its validity. For obvious reasons, you may not use my name in print in any form regarding this historical fact. Nonethless I would like you to have this knowledge. Gettting proof would require court subpoena of the locked safe at PA, which I doubt anyone could do. The registrar was my housemate and is exceedlingly cautious about it since seven presidents have gone through the academy, among hundreds of other magnates.