
Dear Freepress,

I want to let Fitrakis and Wasserman know that I applaud their intelligently written article and many useful references.

I have been dismayed by the reception of this film by moderate and even liberal critics.

During these perilous times, I have become something of a news junkie out of self defense. I had the same response when I read their disclaimers; don't these people read?

The body of evidence supporting the oil pipeline "connections" and the Bush/Saudi allegations is substantial as they have written. Where's the outrage? What are these people being threatened with that they aim their guns at their own?

The audience are expressing themselves with their wallets and obviously disagree with the pundits. Hopefully some of them will Google these issues and some will be journalists who will dig even deeper.

I was also struck by journalists who criticized the film for being entertaining and followed with a list of mind numbing statistics and boring information, inadvertently revealing their complete lack of understanding of the film media and perhaps a bit of envy.

For the moment, these negative reviews are having a slight dampening effect on the film's popularity. If the past can be our guide, it won't last.

Carol Davidek-Waller
Kirkland WA