I wish that I could afford to donate to your project. I am one of the many, many Americans who not only lost their health insurance within the first term of GW, but also their jobs. I have a chronic illness for which I can no longer afford to be treated. Hence, my condition has worsened. However, because I too felt the absolute urgency of defeating Bush, I took money that was to be used for my medical care and I donated it to the Kerry campaign. I really believed that if we all sacrificed something, we could oust Bush. Needless to say, I was and am in complete horror that Bush managed to steal yet another election. But, in some ways it is even more injurous to have the candidate that we thought would defeat Bush concede without so much as a by-your-leave. I, and many other Americans, put money that we could ill afford into the coffers of someone who didn't even have the decency to do a double take and think about what it truly cost us-- all of us who donated money and time and plenty of prayers-- and to think that maybe he at least owed all of us a concerted effort to get to the bottom of what realistically happened with the election. And now that money sits and does nothing for any of us.
Please tell me why even the alternative press is not talking about the generations-long history of the Bush/Walker family and their business and political dealings within the states of Florida and Ohio (and Texas)? GW has his grandfathers to thank for his current position. Someone needs to get this information out to the public. Maybe understanding the current situation would become a bit easier to see.
Thank you for all of your hard work. If there is anything that I can do in the way of a donation of labor that I can conduct from my home, please contact me.
My best to you, Mr Wasserman, et al.,
J. Hoey
Dear Mr. Wasserman, et al.,