Dear Mr. Wasserman,

I am a long time reader of your work and the progessive/indy media in general and while I whole heartedly endorse your analysis of the revisionist history of the religious right visa vie our founding fathers. You are incorrect to characterize Thomas Paine as an atheist. I quote from Ch 1 of Paine's "Age of Reason" --

"I believe in one God and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I belive the equality of man and I believe that religious duty consist in doing justice, loving mercy and evdeavouring to make our fellow creatures happy" -Dover Publications 2004.

I think it is important to note that Paine and the other diests problems were not with God per se - rather with the instutions of organized religion and church- which, much like today can be turned against people's well being. For Paine, a freethinker, God was a God of Reason and therefore amenable to science, the enlightenment and democracy.

Thank you for your time.
J. Ward Regan