
Looks like the articles really opened a can of worms. As for me it seems that the only  flaw was  the wrong connection of Karl Rove to the  Nazis through relatives. That was a cheap shot. Nazism is a feature of character and  George W. has a nazi streak as is, not because he had some pro- nazi granddad. Everything else in the articles was right on the money.

As for Hitler being a socialist I can only  use the same words as is one of the letters: what a crock. We have so many professors in this world who for a lavish fee will come up with anything. Corporations were always uncomfortable with the Nuremberg discoveries of the alliance between the German big business and Hitler's  regime.  Sorry, folks, der Fuhrer was as much a socialist as George W. is a compassionate conservative. Same myth. Hitler and his henchmen were the  corporate dogs of Death.  We here are right to fear their revival in any form and size. And like it or not, the corporate fascism is on the move here. Just listen to the barking. Panurg