It should be obvious to all, at this point, that President Bush's "strategy" in Iraq consists of little more than passing the whole sordid mess on to his successor, be they Democrat or Republican. Once he is out of office, he can blame them for the failure that is Iraq. His "legacy" will be secure, at least in his own mind.

In the meantime, our blood and treasure continue to be spilled on the already bloody sands of Iraq and to just what end? It has been determined, by those whose business it is to study such matters, that a military victory in Iraq will not happen. Our troops are caught in the middle of a sectarian civil war, and the violence continues, essentially unabated, depending on whether one is shot in the front or back of the head. According to President Bush by July of 2008, well into the fifth year of his Iraq adventure, we will be at basically the same place we were well into the fourth year of his dirty little war. And by then, it will be readily passed on to the next occupant of the Oval Office.

Despite President Bush's reassurances last night, I could think but one thing..."How many more of our soldiers will die as a salve to the ego of the man we call 'Mr. President'?"

Mark Schrider
Columbus, OH