Today while blocked from the Independent newspaper of London came across
Free Press and read all the articles for this month.
Your article 'IS THERE A THIRD OPTION ?' immediately caught my attention as I have advocated the following on the Independent 'have your say ' column for months past :-
1. America should involve more Moslem countries in the 'Peace' keeping forcesi Pakistan being part of the British Commonwealth with it's officers trained at Sandhurst has a good rapport with the British army. That country could send a contingent of troops, I suggest Sikhs to patrol alongside the British who over a period of time are withdrawn to be replaced by other non-aligned UN troops.
Other Moslem countries could do the same, perhaps Malaysia, indonesia or Egypt could send soldiers to patrol with the Americans until they are slowly withdrawn and replaced by Norwegians, Irish or other UN contingents. India could contribute a Brigade of Gurkhas.
2. The government of Iraq should be placed in the hands of the UN as a Trust territory for a period of seven years while the various factions in that country have a chance to settle their differences and have people trained to take over step by step from the UN appointed officials some of course must come from Moslem countries. NO American appointees !
3. All Amertican contractors to be withdrawn and reconstruction work placed in the hands of The Corps of Engineers, as an administrator a general supervised the building of the Panama Canal, those troops have the expertise of draining the Mississippi Delta and are now replacing the wetlands of Florida and other parts of America. So both American, British and other Engineer troops should repair the bridges, water treatment and sewage works. electricity generating systems and so forth - stationed outside the major cities and protected by their own and other troops.
4. All leaders of Moslem countries should broadcast an appeal on their respective State radio and TV stations calling for a cessation of hostilities, a six months armistice to allow the effects of this policy to start taking effect. Any not doing so to be denied ALL financial aid.
5. In addition to the above I have also suggested on other threads in The Independent that a new home for the United Nations was now an urgent priority and what better place to construct it but on the site of URUK the first city in the world situated in Iraq. This would occupy the worlds leading architects and engineers, extra labour could be imported from Palestine giving those young men employment to send home money to their families the threshold of terrorism in Israel would be greatly lowered and maybe eventually dry up completely if Israel made some quid pro quos. The Israels could also send their agronomists to see if they could make the desert bloom in Iraq as they have done in Israel.
6. The cost of all the reconstruction both of Iraq and a UN (Peace?) City would be borne mainly from the Iraqi oil revenues plus of course contributions in skills and finances from all other countries. Thus American Conglomerates would NOT benefit at the expense of the Iraqis, but by taking part in the reconstruction and clean up process would no longer be regarded as pariahs and all the lives lost would not have been in vain.
The thread 'Blueprint for a Whole NEW World' was deleted within twenty four hours, so there are forces at work trying to prevent me putting the message across.
To you and all your staff together with those staff of Democracy Now my very best wishes.
It is NO lie to say that I am only a tourist to your planet whose visa will shortly expire. Over the years I've gained quite an affection for the place and its inhabitants, really don't want to see you all destroy yourselves ! My grandfather who named me, in so doing gave an admonition only recently realised. John Percival Loft has become an astounding truth when translated to John ! Perceive all oft ! Many times (but not always) it has been possible to see a whole picture of events where others have only seen part of the picture.
As a corollary to that last statement I pointed out to the staff of Democracy Now that they had all missed a very vital point in the broadcast of Thursday April 8th. In which Helen Thomas was interviewing Ari Fleischer the White House Press Secretary during a conversation held approximately six weeks before the invasion. Mr Fleischer inadvertantly let drop EXACTLY which country America was defending.
I also asked 'What happened to the three ships loaded with Iraq's WMD reported to be at remote parts of the Ocean but kept under satellite surveillance and being tracked by the US navy ?'
Everyone has forgotten that little snippet apparently, but NOT me !
If the world survives for historians to write about the present crisis they will find lies within lies within lies that resemble a set of Russian Matrushka Dolls!
Your article 'IS THERE A THIRD OPTION ?' immediately caught my attention as I have advocated the following on the Independent 'have your say ' column for months past :-
1. America should involve more Moslem countries in the 'Peace' keeping forcesi Pakistan being part of the British Commonwealth with it's officers trained at Sandhurst has a good rapport with the British army. That country could send a contingent of troops, I suggest Sikhs to patrol alongside the British who over a period of time are withdrawn to be replaced by other non-aligned UN troops.
Other Moslem countries could do the same, perhaps Malaysia, indonesia or Egypt could send soldiers to patrol with the Americans until they are slowly withdrawn and replaced by Norwegians, Irish or other UN contingents. India could contribute a Brigade of Gurkhas.
2. The government of Iraq should be placed in the hands of the UN as a Trust territory for a period of seven years while the various factions in that country have a chance to settle their differences and have people trained to take over step by step from the UN appointed officials some of course must come from Moslem countries. NO American appointees !
3. All Amertican contractors to be withdrawn and reconstruction work placed in the hands of The Corps of Engineers, as an administrator a general supervised the building of the Panama Canal, those troops have the expertise of draining the Mississippi Delta and are now replacing the wetlands of Florida and other parts of America. So both American, British and other Engineer troops should repair the bridges, water treatment and sewage works. electricity generating systems and so forth - stationed outside the major cities and protected by their own and other troops.
4. All leaders of Moslem countries should broadcast an appeal on their respective State radio and TV stations calling for a cessation of hostilities, a six months armistice to allow the effects of this policy to start taking effect. Any not doing so to be denied ALL financial aid.
5. In addition to the above I have also suggested on other threads in The Independent that a new home for the United Nations was now an urgent priority and what better place to construct it but on the site of URUK the first city in the world situated in Iraq. This would occupy the worlds leading architects and engineers, extra labour could be imported from Palestine giving those young men employment to send home money to their families the threshold of terrorism in Israel would be greatly lowered and maybe eventually dry up completely if Israel made some quid pro quos. The Israels could also send their agronomists to see if they could make the desert bloom in Iraq as they have done in Israel.
6. The cost of all the reconstruction both of Iraq and a UN (Peace?) City would be borne mainly from the Iraqi oil revenues plus of course contributions in skills and finances from all other countries. Thus American Conglomerates would NOT benefit at the expense of the Iraqis, but by taking part in the reconstruction and clean up process would no longer be regarded as pariahs and all the lives lost would not have been in vain.
The thread 'Blueprint for a Whole NEW World' was deleted within twenty four hours, so there are forces at work trying to prevent me putting the message across.
To you and all your staff together with those staff of Democracy Now my very best wishes.
It is NO lie to say that I am only a tourist to your planet whose visa will shortly expire. Over the years I've gained quite an affection for the place and its inhabitants, really don't want to see you all destroy yourselves ! My grandfather who named me, in so doing gave an admonition only recently realised. John Percival Loft has become an astounding truth when translated to John ! Perceive all oft ! Many times (but not always) it has been possible to see a whole picture of events where others have only seen part of the picture.
As a corollary to that last statement I pointed out to the staff of Democracy Now that they had all missed a very vital point in the broadcast of Thursday April 8th. In which Helen Thomas was interviewing Ari Fleischer the White House Press Secretary during a conversation held approximately six weeks before the invasion. Mr Fleischer inadvertantly let drop EXACTLY which country America was defending.
I also asked 'What happened to the three ships loaded with Iraq's WMD reported to be at remote parts of the Ocean but kept under satellite surveillance and being tracked by the US navy ?'
Everyone has forgotten that little snippet apparently, but NOT me !
If the world survives for historians to write about the present crisis they will find lies within lies within lies that resemble a set of Russian Matrushka Dolls!