The Columbus Free Press is joining with Video the Vote, the Ohio Green Party and dozens of citizen activists around Ohio and the nation to defend voting rights on Election Day 2012.
We have established an operations center in Columbus at the Free Press offices. We will operate from this disclosed location, deploying videographers, accredited poll monitors, lawyers and journalists wherever they are needed on Election Day.
We will record on video any attempts at voter intimidation and harassment.
We will seek injunctions on behalf of citizens wherever their rights are violated.
We monitor the vote precincts to see that no voting machines are tampered with.
We will visually monitor the vote count in selected counties.
Our team of nearly two dozen online monitors will be watching the count for statistical anomalies and catch and record them as they happen.
We will communicate the facts on the ground to the public via stories on our website, video and twitter (follow us @freepressorg).
We will provide in-depth coverage before during and after the election.
We will not be fooled, we will not be intimidated and we will not back down.
Get in touch, get involved and join us. Contact us at Free Press call us at 1-855-VOTING-HELP (855-868-4644)or just watch the coverage on the freepress website.
Speaking Truth to Power Since 1970. Citizen Democracy in Action, It's what we do.
We have established an operations center in Columbus at the Free Press offices. We will operate from this disclosed location, deploying videographers, accredited poll monitors, lawyers and journalists wherever they are needed on Election Day.
We will record on video any attempts at voter intimidation and harassment.
We will seek injunctions on behalf of citizens wherever their rights are violated.
We monitor the vote precincts to see that no voting machines are tampered with.
We will visually monitor the vote count in selected counties.
Our team of nearly two dozen online monitors will be watching the count for statistical anomalies and catch and record them as they happen.
We will communicate the facts on the ground to the public via stories on our website, video and twitter (follow us @freepressorg).
We will provide in-depth coverage before during and after the election.
We will not be fooled, we will not be intimidated and we will not back down.
Get in touch, get involved and join us. Contact us at Free Press call us at 1-855-VOTING-HELP (855-868-4644)or just watch the coverage on the freepress website.
Speaking Truth to Power Since 1970. Citizen Democracy in Action, It's what we do.