I dont think the country realizes the enormous contribution you guys, Fitrakis et al, made to this election process and exposing the Rovian dirty tricks. You kept shouting until even CNN and MSNBC had to mention it. I noticed something interesting following the major reports, CNN, MSNBC, even FOX... they all kept making offhand and hushed remarks as to how the apparent exit polls [which they refuse to openly quote or acknowledge] showed a much greater democratic turnout than the overwhelming results that were shown and could not be denied. They talked of the AP count and how the polls [oh so secret] had to be incorrect since they showed an even more massive democratic sweep. Key seats like Pryce seemed to have actually gone democratic but the Rove tricks turned them into republican wins and that despite the Rove black ops even those attempts couldn't overcome the massive anti-republican anti-bush vote. That means that the millions of fictitious Bush votes in 2004 evaporated and hundreds of thousands more who voted republican turned against CheneyBush and Rove and voted with their conscience this time around. People were watching and it harder to be a crook when youre being watched.
I think that if you guys keep pushing the criminal activities will be exposed as more than just glitches and will prove to be an organized criminal conspiracy. Here's to democratic investigations which have obviously shaken the Administration to the point they are making noises how they want to work with the dems [forget their arrogance these past 6 years] and the dumping of Rumsfeld [probably more to soften the blow of the Baker report and to stave off the potential impeachment proceedings].
So spend my $200 well, expose the continued election fraud and lets hope 2008 brings an honest and open presidential election.
I think that if you guys keep pushing the criminal activities will be exposed as more than just glitches and will prove to be an organized criminal conspiracy. Here's to democratic investigations which have obviously shaken the Administration to the point they are making noises how they want to work with the dems [forget their arrogance these past 6 years] and the dumping of Rumsfeld [probably more to soften the blow of the Baker report and to stave off the potential impeachment proceedings].
So spend my $200 well, expose the continued election fraud and lets hope 2008 brings an honest and open presidential election.