I'm not surprised that the stolen-elction crackpots jumped all over these recent convictions in Ohio as validation of their conspiracy theories. But here's a dose of reality: These election workers impacted a tiny sliver of votes in one county. This poves [sic] nothing. And you know it.
This hot air about President Bush stealing the election is a bald-faced lie. That's why people are ignoring this garbage, just like they ignored the dead-bodies-in-Arkansas theories back when Bill Clinton was in office. Bush won. Kerry lost. That is the truth. That is the fact.
Scott Amos
This hot air about President Bush stealing the election is a bald-faced lie. That's why people are ignoring this garbage, just like they ignored the dead-bodies-in-Arkansas theories back when Bill Clinton was in office. Bush won. Kerry lost. That is the truth. That is the fact.
Scott Amos