Dear Editor:

I shudder to think what Gov. Taft's state of the state address is going to be like. From hearing Pres. Bush's state of the union address, he and the Republicans (The real "Evil Empire") didn't mention one word about jobs, healthcare, or education, which I've come to a conclusion that the Republicans don't have too high on their priority list. As a citizen of Galion (population 11,200) and volunteer at the Galion Public Library, I for one, disapprove of the job that Gov. Taft is doing during his final term in office. I knew from the very outset that Taft was going to cut back on state funding on both education and library expenses, and not to mention create a very dismal unemployment rate, which I believe we are still suffering to this day.

There is without a question that this man is in my opinion "the worst ever governor in the history of the state of Ohio." He is a total disgrace to the world of essential moral values (such as education and employment) that give our children what they need the most, hope and a brighter future, which apparently Taft doesn't care one bit about. I don't look forward to his state of the state address in any way, shape, or form. And why? Most importantly, because he and the entire state government is threatening to cut back on funding for Ohio's library expenses that will inhibit them from expanding and creating any future employment. Galion is one of several of the victims, and worse yet, we are told that if any further cuts take place, then we may have to shut down our library. This not only goes for Galion, it's happening elsewhere. We cannot afford to lose our respectable hometown's library, and we must react quickly. That is why I am urging each and every one of you to make a difference and write your state legislators letting them know how much our libraries mean to us and how closure of these establishments will affect our communities (for better or for worse) and those employed by these libraries. We have got to make a stand and refuse to concede to these unfair government practices. If we don't, we're letting the state take away the future of our children. This is very sad news for a historical community landmark that stands for reform, resource, research, and most importantly, education. All you Ohioans must join the fight, or else face the perils about to occur to your hometown.

David Jokerst
Volunteer, The Galion Public Library