It is not chutzpah to fire your advisors- it is stupidity. I don't know
where you learned it but you learned it wrong. You had some pretty good
advisers there George telling you not to go into Iraq -some seriously
starred Generals I believe. Even your Dad had better sense. I see a
pattern. Instead of respecting better wisdom and higher authority, you
just fire it-assuming there could be no higher wisdom or authority than
yours. Isn't that the very definition of arrogant A-holedom? Then
classically after the catastrophic mistake you engage in the head
scratching wondering what went wrong. Maybe we didn't do the Iraq thing
exactly right when Saddam had no WMDs and no Niger yellow cake and we kind
of fudged the numbers and photos at the UN and lied to the country in the
State of the Union whipping everyone up on an orange alert which even Tom
Ridge knows is a load of horse dung (which you want to spin into trivial
insignificant oblivion after lying through your teeth.) Is Homer Simpson
wearing a T-Shirt with your face on it- because you are the Duh-Ya THINK??
President. No worse- you are the "I am the Poster boy of malicious
American ignorance." Ignorance would be OK if you just staying in
Crawford, but with that much power, you just are despicable-and you have
absolutely no business living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I will say it
to my grave (and don't particularly care if I find that grave sooner than
the folks baking outside the New Orleans Convention Center.)
You axed the Guy who told you that cutting the funding to get the Louisiana Levy's into this century would cause catastrophic disaster instead of heeding better wisdom there also. Then you lied through your teeth again and told us that it was totally unforseen. It was forseen to any child who ever stared into her cereal bowl. If you have a brain that was flushed with the chemical sewage wash floating around Canal Street, perhaps you couldn't see it after the Corps or Engineers highlighted in a 2001 report,-maybe then you couldn't see it- because that's what it sounds like- raw sewage talk from the mouth of the White House.
George- you are on our payroll. You have above all else one job you were never elected to do (you were never elected at all)--because you insist in staying in one of the nicer houses on the East Coast while sitting around for a few days wondering if instant homelessness of hundreds of thousands of people was worth ending your vacation a few days early. You have one job above all else, and that is to keep us safe at home- not from ghosts, not from imaginary Baathist in Brooklyn (how many of those are there exactly?) but significantly from natural and totally predictable disaster.
Now you lied to the country to get us into war to deplete our resources and sat there for what-seven or nine seconds wondering what the fall out would be of a few planes crashing in the Towers, and you hung out in Crawford again for a few days while half a million people were praying for their lives, and watching family members float to sea. And then you waited again for four days, five days in some cases, almost a week, to get basic sustenance to these people while literally all Hell broke loose and the Devil made it his playground- rapes, knifings, death from disease and lack of medication, terror. Yes, Mr. Bush this is what real terror looks like. Homeless on the streets with no one to help you for days after losing all your earthly belongings and relatives.
You cannot hug and embrace enough black people to remedy your appauling disgraceful negligence. You cannot make enough speeches about how pathetically inept and incompetent the idiots surrounding you are to excuse your complete failure in leadership, while it is true, the most inner of the circle is of course pathetically inept and incompetent, but the tone is set at the top.
We are sick of your death and destruction.
You are an EVIL PRESENCE in the Center of our Nations Capitol and even more EVIL by virtue of your cover of self-deluded goodness.
You axed the Guy who told you that cutting the funding to get the Louisiana Levy's into this century would cause catastrophic disaster instead of heeding better wisdom there also. Then you lied through your teeth again and told us that it was totally unforseen. It was forseen to any child who ever stared into her cereal bowl. If you have a brain that was flushed with the chemical sewage wash floating around Canal Street, perhaps you couldn't see it after the Corps or Engineers highlighted in a 2001 report,-maybe then you couldn't see it- because that's what it sounds like- raw sewage talk from the mouth of the White House.
George- you are on our payroll. You have above all else one job you were never elected to do (you were never elected at all)--because you insist in staying in one of the nicer houses on the East Coast while sitting around for a few days wondering if instant homelessness of hundreds of thousands of people was worth ending your vacation a few days early. You have one job above all else, and that is to keep us safe at home- not from ghosts, not from imaginary Baathist in Brooklyn (how many of those are there exactly?) but significantly from natural and totally predictable disaster.
Now you lied to the country to get us into war to deplete our resources and sat there for what-seven or nine seconds wondering what the fall out would be of a few planes crashing in the Towers, and you hung out in Crawford again for a few days while half a million people were praying for their lives, and watching family members float to sea. And then you waited again for four days, five days in some cases, almost a week, to get basic sustenance to these people while literally all Hell broke loose and the Devil made it his playground- rapes, knifings, death from disease and lack of medication, terror. Yes, Mr. Bush this is what real terror looks like. Homeless on the streets with no one to help you for days after losing all your earthly belongings and relatives.
You cannot hug and embrace enough black people to remedy your appauling disgraceful negligence. You cannot make enough speeches about how pathetically inept and incompetent the idiots surrounding you are to excuse your complete failure in leadership, while it is true, the most inner of the circle is of course pathetically inept and incompetent, but the tone is set at the top.
We are sick of your death and destruction.
You are an EVIL PRESENCE in the Center of our Nations Capitol and even more EVIL by virtue of your cover of self-deluded goodness.