I am a registered Democrat, & having read your attack monologue on the present politics of our country, & on our Pres. Bush, I do believe that you are providing our 9/11/01 enemies with untold sanctuary & favor.

Further, our troops currently fighting for your rights to spew your venum on this country, & its COMINCH, Pres. Bush ought to be real proud of you. You are a true credit to the U.S.A.  You compare our Pres. to a "Nazi" Shame on you sir!

Would that you should show some support for our country, rather than publish all that self agrandizing propaganda!  I feel sorry for you & your kind!

Let us hope that there aren't too many of your type, that want to turn the American people into milk-toast-socialists.

Let me assure you I'm not a pessimist, & that I'm still looking for a wothwhile Democrat with a "PLAN" to lead our country into health & prosperity!

Thus far, the Democrat would be leaders, have emerged with too many false promises & pledges.  They would tax us to smithereens to take care of their special interest causes, & programs.

Looking fwd to better upcoming days,  Sincerely, N.H./a loyal(Har.Trum.)Dem.