
Today, a little noticed vote took place in the Senate. S.AMDT. 2476 was killed on a what was essentially a straight party line vote. That amendment to the 2006 defense authorization bill, sponsored by Byron Dorgan(D-ND), would have established a Special Committee of the Senate on War and Reconstruction Contracting, similar to the Truman Commission which oversaw US contractors during WW II. That commission saved US tax payers the equivalent of billions of current US dollars.

Given the number of unbid contracts granted in Iraq, and elsewhere, not to mention the $8.8 billion in taxpayer dollars that simply disappeared during J. Paul Bremer's tenure as Proconsul in Iraq, it would behoove Congress to begin taking its oversight duties seriously. That the Republicans in the Senate, decided to kill the amendment raises serious questions. Not the least of which is, "Just what are you trying to hide?" Indeed, what is it that you don't want found out? Don't you think that we, the people deserve some accounting as to how our tax dollars are being used, abused or outright stolen?

Senate Republicans, should be ashamed of themselves. They were elected to do the people's bidding, not that of their campaign contributors...Not that of the RNC...The people. Shame on you all.