Hello Mr. Wasserman. I have just discovered your site/articles. As a Canadian who suffers through the bullying tactics of Ambassador Cellucci I can't tell you how happy I am to read your articles and the news that the " grass roots " are so active in the US. Canada is so economically tied to the US that we have little clout , so to speak, to influence the agenda. After intense world watching, dialogue with friends, letters to your administration and mine I have concluded that the only hope to avoid world disaster from both military and environmental ignorance lies with the American voter and their friends abroad. I am encouraged by the courage of yourself and others in the States who dare to oppose the fundamentalist stance of the administration in Washington. Your article conjured up the idea that it might be useful to ask the UN to send inspectors to the US and Canda to inspect our nuclear sites. From what I read they are in a dangerous state of disrepair and the maintainance of them is sucking the economies dry. This action may encourage the development of other energies, adjustments in lifestyle, reduction in armament. Surely the reduction/elimination of the mushroom cloud over our heads will permit reflection on quality of life for all.
Evelynne Dick
Fergus, Canada
Evelynne Dick
Fergus, Canada