
Tom:   I understand your anger, but MAYBE just MAYBE,  

170,000 democrats did not vote for Bush;  

maybe all the new voters you turned out did vote for Kerry.  

The exit polls agreed with what you said, the majority were voting for Kerry!  

And a lot of analysis has been done on the exit polls which shows somthing is rotten and stinks big time.  

See [attachment] and

In the Democratic controlled swing states the actual voting data match the exit polls within one half of one percent.  

In the Republican controlled (read election supervised) states there was often a 5-7 percentage vote swing from the exit polls and ALWAYS in George Bush's favour.  

There are news reports that Bush's team sat him down after the exit polls showed Kerry leading  by 1 to 3 points in all the swing states and told him he would probably lose. Then they began the SPIN:  

The religious right had turned out 4 million new voters for Bush; never mind that people like you turned out 7 to 15 million new voters who voted for Kerry 3-1. (according to the exit polls.)  

Then they started the Democrats for Bush crap. Don't believe it. They stole Ohio and Florida.  

They learned from last 2000...  Recounts could be trouble..  so Electronic Voting machines and tabulating equipment supplied by staunch Republican supporters like Diebold.  

I'm a computer network professional (25 years in the field) and have taken University level statistics courses. I've downloaded the Diebold GEMS software used to compile votes totals from electronic voting machines... yes it was pilfered from Diebold's internal web site (that's how 'secure their stuff is!).  It's full of holes and is basically insecure. Not to say Diebold committed any fraud but if they left holes open and some state elections people messed with the vote totals ...  likely would not break their heart.  

Without paper trails the voting machines are a joke. Diebold has steadfastly refused to provide printer vote confirmations, which would allow recounts and ensure the machine totals match something! Since when does a hardware and software supplier NOT want to sell more of both in their systems and justify a higher price, especially to a government customer!  

Exit polls are considered (outside the Republican party) to be very reliable. You ARE asking people how they voted , after they just did... not how they intent to weeks before they do!   In this heated election with emotions running high, the spin is the religious right did NOT want to admit they voted for Bush...when asked BUT they sure aren't shy about it now.  

Do not believe this crap.  

Keep your eyes and ears open...  

The internet can be a saviour. A smoking gun will need to be found. But if it is, it's really time these guys paid the price.