
Dear John:

Hey, buddy, I just thought I would drop you a line and share a few thoughts, ask a question or two. I want to understand what has just happened to you, and I want you to understand what this means to all of us who supported you, and thought you were serious when you announced that you wanted to be President of the United States.

     First of all, when George W. Bush asked you if you would have still authorized the use of force against Iraq if you had known at that time that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, the correct answer was, “No, I would not have done so, because Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the security of the United States and its people.” It was the easiest question any presidential candidate has ever been asked, to my knowledge. You could have dominated the news in a positive and vote-getting way for ten news cycles, easily, and it would have made a nice opening for you in the debates. But you said yes. Why, John? Were you trying to lose?

     Secondly, when the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accused you of not participating in the heroic actions in Vietnam for which you won your medals, you took a month to respond. You gave, or your staff gave for you, the excuse that you did not want to appear “mean-spirited” by forcefully answering these attacks. Defense of one’s reputation is mean-spirited? Most people in this country, myself included, came to the conclusion that failing to stand up for yourself personally was a sign of weakness, and that you might not be strong enough to defend the United States should you become its Commander in Chief. I know you are a brave man, John, so I have to ask: why didn’t you speak up and verbally annihilate those monstrous liars who were hired by and acted on behalf of the Bush campaign? It seems very suspicious to me. The term “set-up” comes to mind.

But don’t you worry about it, John. You and Teresa should just retire to one of your many palatial homes and relax. Don’t even think of those of us who will have to work three and four jobs just to pay part of our bills, as the economy plunges from recession to depression. Don’t you waste a second of your valuable and well-earned rest thinking of how the Constitution will be further shredded under a second George W. Bush term. And most importantly, please, you have to promise me this above all, please don’t concern yourself with the many thousands of young American men and women who will die in numerous wars around the globe, not to mention the deaths of millions of innocent nationals in the countries we preemptively invade at will. No, John, you just go and take a nice nap.

Thanks for nothing, John.

Michael J. Lombardi