
Keith: You were the only member of the mainstream media to address the election fraud issue. Now, you're relying on people from the WALL STREET JOURNAL to frame the debate?

Goodness gracious. That's like asking Vladimir Putin for commentary on how to conduct fair elections.

This isn't about Kerry and Bush, no matter how much journalists try to frame the issue in partisan terms. It's about the integrity of our election process. Doesn't it strike you as remarkable that even without help from newspapers and TV, one American in five doesn't believe the election on Nov. 2 was honest? What would the percentage be if the New York Times, CBS, and CNN had presented balanced coverage all along, instead of virtually ignoring the problem?

You seem to think that Kerry's strategy (having it both ways?) is what matters here. IT ISN'T! I don't care a damn about Kerry at this point, frankly...but I do care that my four grandchildren are growing up in a world where fraudulent elections overseas are exposed (with American help) but our own are tolerated, while journalists either pay no attention or frame the issue in terms of political gamesmanship.

As the judge in Washington state said, in response to a Republican lawyer's complaint, "You're framing this in terms of winners and losers. Shouldn't this be about the voter?" 
