Thank you for your article on the paperless machines. Here is how I think they got us all to use them.
Can you imagine a senario where defective paper ballots in Florida were manufactured on purpose to confound and confuse the public over the results of an election? I have been voting for over 30 years on punch -card machines and have never heard of such problems. I suppose there had been some here and there, but never a problem large enough to appear on national news. When you think about it logically, how is it possible that a blunt-pointed awl could not pierce a pre-scored blank on a ballot? The answer is simply that the ballots were made so that the chads would hang. They were not scored thoroughly. To accomplish this would require simply the use of dull tools and insufficient pressure in the production of those ballots. Before this is released, (perhaps thousands have already looked into this) it would be interesting to obtain some of those unused ballots and compare them with ballots from other states, and ballots from previous administrations in Florida. I wonder who purchased those ballots and who manufactured the same? I'll bet we know whose Party they supported.
You well know that those chads began a clamour for new machines. Machines without any paper trail. Machines purchased by partisan members of the Governor's party for the Governor himself, and manufactured by partisan companies. This clamour spread all over the Country and the idea was readily adopted by the States.
This criminal hijacking of the government of the United States began long before 2004.
The Democratic Party must place amendments to or initiatives on the States' Constitutions on the ballots in 2006 to get Voting machines that not only have a paper back-up but also present the voter with an official unique (to that machine) receipt, documenting her vote. (I would like to see this in duplicate so that if necessary one copy could be given up to a citizen recount and the other would still exist.) This of course! , in cas e the paper back-up tally was lost, damaged, or stolen.
Thanks for listening.
Can you imagine a senario where defective paper ballots in Florida were manufactured on purpose to confound and confuse the public over the results of an election? I have been voting for over 30 years on punch -card machines and have never heard of such problems. I suppose there had been some here and there, but never a problem large enough to appear on national news. When you think about it logically, how is it possible that a blunt-pointed awl could not pierce a pre-scored blank on a ballot? The answer is simply that the ballots were made so that the chads would hang. They were not scored thoroughly. To accomplish this would require simply the use of dull tools and insufficient pressure in the production of those ballots. Before this is released, (perhaps thousands have already looked into this) it would be interesting to obtain some of those unused ballots and compare them with ballots from other states, and ballots from previous administrations in Florida. I wonder who purchased those ballots and who manufactured the same? I'll bet we know whose Party they supported.
You well know that those chads began a clamour for new machines. Machines without any paper trail. Machines purchased by partisan members of the Governor's party for the Governor himself, and manufactured by partisan companies. This clamour spread all over the Country and the idea was readily adopted by the States.
This criminal hijacking of the government of the United States began long before 2004.
The Democratic Party must place amendments to or initiatives on the States' Constitutions on the ballots in 2006 to get Voting machines that not only have a paper back-up but also present the voter with an official unique (to that machine) receipt, documenting her vote. (I would like to see this in duplicate so that if necessary one copy could be given up to a citizen recount and the other would still exist.) This of course! , in cas e the paper back-up tally was lost, damaged, or stolen.
Thanks for listening.