
Here is the my letter to the editor sent to the Canton Repository and several others today in response to several letters recently printed accusing those involved in the Peace effort as being "comrades of Saddam", and "America haters". 3/27/03

I am responding to recent writers who accuse many of those involved in the Peace effort of being comrades of Saddam, and America-haters and refer to this information as the "truth". Did you ever notice that the "truth" changes depending on who you talk to?

The truth is that those who work for Peace are from all walks of life. We are of many ages, many religions, many political parties and belief systems, many colors, many economic backgrounds, and many cultures. The truth is, we are many.

People who work for revolutionary goals like Peace on earth have always been shunned and criticized. Jesus is a good example. He said we should love our God, and love our neighbor as ourselves. We all remember what happened to him.

The truth is we love our country! We work and pray for peace because our conscience, no, our very souls will not allow us to do anything else! We love our troops! We are fervently praying for them and for their families who experience the suffering, torture and death of war.

The truth is we are in the good company of brave and honorable people like John Brady Kiesling, a member of Bush's Foreign Service Corps who has been a diplomat for twenty years, and a civil servant to four Presidents. John submitted a letter of resignation to Secretary of State Colin Powell on February 27, 2003 in which he states, "until this Administration it had been possible to believe that by upholding the policies of my president I was also upholding the interests of the American people and the world. I believe it no longer. The policies we are now asked to advance are incompatible not only with American values but also with American interests."

So, call us what you want. You cannot change the truth.

Tracy Teuscher
Stark County Peace Coalition