Dear Free Press,
I believe that peace is no longer an option and without it we will destroy ourselves. Sharing the resources of the earth will create justice and will lead to peace. Only by sharing can we create the trust upon which all future agreements can be forged.
The current crisis of confidence in global and US economic leadership is due to the fact that investors have lost faith that their 401Ks, or life savings, are stable and safe. With the destruction of the middle class, the mounting trade and budget deficits, the dis-investment in the health and educational infrastructures and personal, corporate and government budget deficits; I see an opportunity for global social innovation and restructuring.
How did this global mess get started? The U.S. Federal Reserve, which is privately owned, lowered the interest rate from 6.5% in 2000 to 1% in 2003. Next they raised the rate in 2004. But by 2007 the U.S. credit-card debt mounted to a whopping $900 billion. Certain factions who control the Fed did not want anyone policing the credit-worthiness of its borrowers. So, originators sold mortgages to speculators who packaged them in a non-transparent way with other assets. It was sort of a pig-in-the-poke approach.
For instance, out of a 10-car package deal, 5 cars were lemons! Next, just like a chain letter, other speculators re-packaged it again and again so that when the meltdown hit transparency was impossible. Thus, many billions in bad mortgages were hidden in the portfolios of Europe, China, Australia and the U.S. . Now all of the banks are unwilling to lend to one another.
I would argue the following points with any of the so called experts:
1. The lowest unemployment occurred in the years when the minimum wage was the highest.
2. The most ethical economic policy is the most beneficial to all.
3. All over the world, poverty is the result of unethical and corrupt economic policy.
4. Low wages equal not enough demand for even higher quantities of products.
5. Lowering interest rates so more people can borrow more money does not raise the living standard.
While the current downturn is good for the climate and will force technological innovations, the fact remains that the value of U.S. derivatives currently outstanding is over one quadrillion (that’s a thousand trillion) dollars. The amount the US congress approved in October of 2008 was only 800 billion. The math doesn’t fit! I have a sneaking suspicion the whole truth will be known by the end of 2009. As the global credit crisis hit in November of 2008 farmers soon discovered, much to their dismay, that they could not get the needed funds to pay for fertilizer--which means less food and more hungry people in the coming cycle. I look for a new wave of food riots around the world to hit in late 2009. Moreover, I believe that international terrorism and extreme poverty and pollution are linked. The current political propaganda that terrorism is the main threat is dead wrong. I believe that humanity is interconnected. The west can not isolate itself from the sick and hungry. To do so is to "cry havoc and let loses the dogs of war". Poverty is the main cause of terrorism. The real security issues for the U.S. are
1. Global militarization
2. Marginalization of developing nations
3. An ever increasing competition for dwindling resources, and
4. Climate change.
To me Climate change, for the most part, is a problem of lifestyles. There is more of a need for a dramatic shift in lifestyles, rather than dependence on green technology for solutions to global warming. We ought to be pursuing a change in lifestyle without a change in comfort. Climate change can be seen as extreme weather patterns, hotter summers, warmer winters, rise in sea levels, stronger storms and hurricanes, droughts and melting glaciers. These are just a few results that come to mind. Just a rise of two degrees Celsius worldwide equals the extinction of 1/3rd of the earth’s animals and plant species. Currently, renewable energy accounts for just 13% of our needs globally. And fossil fuels account for 80%.
Geopolitical security, floods, food and water shortages, refugee migrations, political extremism fueled by poverty, pollution, health problems, a growing unsustainable gap and polarization between rich and poor, these are the real issues at the root of the current worldwide meltdown. They are caused by not sharing the resources of the planet. However, there are certain "vested interests" which are lobbying to suppress the information about environmental destruction, climate change and pollution. They want to keep the current global economic system in tack. I believe that to do so will bring about human extinction.
The five major corporations who control our media fail to inform the public that free market forces are the forces of evil. There are too many Americans who have been conditioned by the "factions" who control the media to think of America as a democratic and just empire. In truth the 5 media corporations that dominate TV are ruled by the least principled and talented within their ranks. Surely our two-party system is not the only or best type of democratic government, as they would have us believe. Every day the media brainwashes the public into believing that free markets are good; that the urge to compete and dominate is not destructive. Believe me when I say that the only end to the current worldwide meltdown, is by sharing the resources of earth equally. Only then will the problems of terrorism, war, unemployment, budget deficits and environmental destruction abate.
And yet there are certain factions within every nation on the globe who have very low ethics. They seek to sanitize media stories about corruption. They don’t want the masses enlightened about political parties being controlled by conglomerates. Presenting objective news isn’t even a goal of American corporate media. The fact is, too many people work too hard for too little so the elite can be immensely rich, without contributing anything to the country. In the period of 2002-2003, corporate conglomerates pushed the Iraq war so as to prevent the stock market from then crashing. After 911 this was about to happen before the Iraq war. You had media corporations like CBS/Viacom, who own General Electric which supplies the military, pushing the pro-war editorials in the months leading up to the war. In the two weeks of February 2003 around the time of Colin Powell’s U.N. Security Council speeches, out of the 393 people interviewed about Iraq on the nightly newscasts, only three were against going to war. As Plato once declared, "only the dead have seen the end of war." The current push for war with Iran must be seen in the bigger context of the battle for global financial restructuring that is now underway. I have no doubt that money and information are equivalent and that economics is really politics in disguise!
Moreover, certain rich nations should not be allowed to control the destinies of poorer nations. The IMF is an instrument of imperialism. The U.S. is the only nation with veto power in the IMF. Both the IMF and the World Bank make decisions that are not in the interests of developing countries. Most trade treaties give rich nations access to 3rd world markets but no quid pro quo. The rich countries’ tariffs ] average four times higher than the poor countries’., Medicine patents ensure rich nations a market in poor nations while at the same time stifling non-brand name medicines or products. It is quite common for rich nations to steal from poor countries by way of patents and notions of private property. Their main tool is the World Trade Organization, which stretches the notion intellectual property rights by applying them to seed, plant, animal and microbes products—even human genes.
The World Bank is forcing privatization in poor countries. Water is a tradable commodity, bought and sold by corporations in poor nations. Public water from rivers is tapped by companies then sold at higher prices back to the communities. And yet, these same companies are getting water, too, as a public good. In almost every industry the notion of the public good has been perverted. What are we to think when a corporation claims that they own our DNA? Business does not like free markets. Business seeks to control markets. They subject the public to enormous amounts of propaganda by way of PR firms and the 5 major media organizations. And to maintain their control they force both the Democratic and Republican parties to eliminate any real content from the election debate. They seek to delude the voters with imagery and rhetoric instead of focusing on the effects of a business run society with a high concentration of centralized wealth. We hear nothing in the media of the relationship between governments and business and how it has brought on humanitarian disasters, economic disparity, global warming or the murderous effects of denied healthcare on the poor.
In function the IMF is essentially a branch of the US Treasury. It relies on debt collection for enforcement of its policies. The IMF exploitation of Argentina in 2001 led to the collapses of its economy. Eventually their leader, Mr. Kirchner, got rid of the IMF and paid off its debts. The collapse taught Argentineans to avoid existing markets in favor of barter flea-markets and Internet swap alternatives. The result led to other nations to payoff their IMF loans, too. Now all of Latin America is moving towards integration with the call for a Latin America Union. In fact, the Bank of the South was just initiated by them and it will be independent form the World Bank. The truth is that IMF and World Banks distribution of wealth is skewed in favor of few people within a few countries, and towards a few rich nations within the whole global system.
I believe that when it comes to trade the rich should open up their markets to the poor without reciprocity. This will help to assuage the issues of terrorism, war, disease, unemployment, budget deficits and environmental destruction. Concerning agricultural products, the third world still faces trade barriers from subsidized rich nations. The head of the World Bank is always a European and his number two is usually America . I believe the focus of both the IMF and World Bank should be away from industrialism and towards agricultural development. This would do a lot to slow down the unsustainable gap and polarization between rich and poor. However, some believe that we can still deal with each problem separately. But the "one at a time" approach has historically failed. They are merely sacrificing our children to economics. Moreover, there are certain moneyed interests that are lobbying to suppress information about environmental destruction, climate change and pollution. There are and have been scientists who are being paid to debunk the idea of global warming. It comes down to this in my view: sharing and needs-based methods of distribution of earth resources versus the current misery-based, free-market approach that enslaves and divides our humanity into rich and poor.
Another truth is that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council export the most arms. There are no free markets for arms dealers. Why are they always granted exports credit? Why are private arms dealers funded with taxpayer money? Why do the five permanent members of the UN Security Council make their employees promote and cut deals for arms makers abroad? Why are funds diverted from their educational, poverty and healthcare budgets to do this? Are not most third world ministers bribed into buying weapons they will never use or need? Does not Lockheed Martin, Boeing and BAE Systems farm out parts production to other countries so as to hide production while at the same time hyping the public with the "patriotism and jobs" myth? I believe the UN Security Council must be dissolve and the principle of majority rule with minority voice be established in the general assembly. The time for worldwide demilitarization has come. The distribution of wealth must be restructured. It can no longer be skewed in favor of a few people in a few countries on a rational basis.
I believe the goal of the UN should be toward building a Commonwealth of Nations and not on dividing humanity into rich and poor nations. It is always the poorest and lowest of any social system who become slaves. American "capitalism" is currently based upon old notions of mid17th century economic slavery. The only difference is the human beings have been replaced with liquidity. Surely, there is no diplomacy in a hungry stomach. And from where I sit there seems to be a tendency of the hungry masses to become violent when deprived of basic human needs. Furthermore, I would argue that the urge to separate mankind politically and economically is a crime against humanity and will only lead to an extinction event.
This distinction between the haves and the have nots must go. The fact is the richest 2% of the people in the world own more then half of the global household wealth. The poorest, who are half of the world population, own barely 1% of the global wealth; while the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of global assets, with the wealthiest 10% owning 85% of global assets. Wealth is heavily concentrated in North America , Europe and high-income Asia-Pacific countries.
Another example is big oil. General motors had a waiting list for 500 EV1 electric cars. Tom Hanks loved his! But once they surpassed California legal limits, what did they do? They forced 1000 EV1 drivers to return the cars or face legal action. However they blew it by donating an EV1 to the Smithsonian only to figure out that "the truth was out there." And yet we are still hearing the same bull from automakers which got huge bailouts to push hybrids because they haven’t developed electric cars technology. Explain why general motors created the all-electric EV1 then discontinued, crushed and shredded it in 2003. Why did the Smithsonian remove it from public display? Was it because GM is one of their biggest contributors giving a $10 million dollar gift in 2001 alone? In the face of global warming, pollution, war and rising gasoline prices one wonders: Do the carmakers really want an all electric car at all? Why are they pushing hybrids? Is it because they don’t want the market to be free, but rather appear so?
While some private investors may currently claim ownership over solar, wind, hydro or geothermal sources of energy, their notion of property rights are now being called into question. This is occurring within the context of financial meltdown where bankers who ran their companies into bankruptcy are given "golden parachutes" at taxpayer expense. Wall Street has become one giant worldwide gambling casino promoting their propaganda of deregulation and privatization. The main tools of their usury are nefarious innovations like hedge funds; offshore special purpose entities; commodities and currency manipulation; and tax heavens, which flood the world with paper fiat money. Add to this sophistry the control of the money and credit supplies, along with interest rates and the notion of supply and demand becomes an inside joke.
And if I may speculate aloud I would say that if UFOs were real then their technology alone would herald an end to our current notion of capitalism. Surely their technology would usher in a cornucopia of safe free energy. What would be the impact on the notion of property rights and ownership then? How could multinationals and academia maintain the ruse of supply and demand? How could they control or restrict access to new safe and free supplies of energy? Wouldn’t profound changes emerge for civilizations around the globe? Wouldn’t this usher in a golden age of truth, justice and sharing?
The truth is that free energy is abundantly available, but being highly suppressed. Cold nuclear fusion was discovered and proven valid on March 26, 2008 , by Professor Martin Fleischmann of Southampton University and Professor Stanley Pons of the University of Utah . However, certain factions employ scientific hired guns to dispute research and repress funding. Surely when the first cavemen discovered fire they too didn’t understand how and why it worked. Suppression of technology has happened many times before in the history of science and industry. In 1900, J. P. Morgan financed inventor Nikola Tesla and his Wardenclyffe Tower with $150,000 for experiments in radio. However, in 1903, when the tower structure was near completion, Morgan wanted to know "Where can I put the meter?" Tesla had no answer. Tesla's vision of free power did not agree with Morgan's supply and demand worldview. But the fact remains that free energy has been available in many forms for many years and is suppressed by an economic system that has outlived its usefulness. Certainly, if he were alive today Thomas Jefferson would wonder about free markets vs. price gorging at the pump. I’m very sure he would demand a constitutional convention to rectify the checks and balances of this current meltdown.
In my opinion there are two competing visions of the New World order. The bad version holds that a few selfish and greed factions with low ethics ought to have total control over every aspect of human existence. They want to hold on to the centralized power and be the world police force so as to enslave other nations economically or militarily. They constantly seek tax-cuts for the rich. This group is against free energy or the sharing of the earth’s resources and ignores the public’s free will with their selfish, "we know best" attitude. They seek by covert means to undermine the principle of majority rule with minority voice.
The other vision seeks to establish a world parliament where power is decentralized and shared by all groups by way of majority rule. They hold that humanity knows best and seeks to serve, nurture and protect mankind from the material forces. Both groups know that as of September 1, 2008 , two billion people earn less that $2 a day and that, given chance, the poor will work to get out of poverty. Both groups also know that by 2050 the population will reach 9 billion. Both have very different agendas to address the population time bomb. However, the facts are that all nations are now gripped by shrinking credit, balance of payments deficits, soaring oil and food prices, and changing weather patterns. These regional climate shifts have brought on new diseases and created oxygen dead zones in our waters. Moreover, unprecedented levels of commerce and consumption powered by fossil fuels cost us more than $204 billion in weather related destruction in 2005 alone.
As 2009 unfolds, the masses will become more and more angry. They will realize that more money supply does not equal more goods and services, rather the opposite. More money supply equals less good and services. They will come to see that economics was never a science, but really politics in disguise. They will come to see free markets as pure propaganda. They will soon want the captains of business to explain how vertical integration increases consumers’ free choice? Explain how planned obsolescent is beneficial to the environment or consumers? Explain how Duke Energy’s overcharging of California by creating a false emergency of rolling blackouts fit the notion of free markets? And they most certainly will shutter to think that they almost allowed the linking of social security to the stock market! Only then will the public count their blessings.
So what is the solution? I will offer this very brief outline and leave it to much greater souls to handle the current worldwide day of reckoning:
1.) Each nation will be invited to make an inventory of its natural resources. Its surplus will be donated to a general pool run by a new UN agency. For example, if the US creates 10 bushels of corn a year, but only consumes 1, then the other 9 bushels would be donated to the UN general pool. Computers could provide the statistics for a rational redistribution. The goal of seeking balance between rich and poor nations is clearly possible. This ought to take 2-3 years to implement. That is, this sophisticated form of barter will replace our old, unjust economic system. This could become the basis for world trust and justice. There could be a federation of independent nations who join together into union for the purpose of world affairs and other objectives. It could be created from the many different political systems. The nations of the world could come together for their mutual benefits and survival.
2.) Elimination of the UN Security Counsel. The UN General Assembly would become a true debating chamber and arbiter. It could have the environment as its highest priority with defense being the lowest. It would be required that all who join this union accept that all disputes must be aired, debated and resolved without war.
3.) An international minimum wage would be implemented.
4.) An international three-day work week would be implemented.
All this would go a long way toward creating justice and setting the stage for trust to grow. Regardless of what others may hold, I predict the day is coming when the ideal relationship for sound social cohesion and justice will be a mix of 70% socialism and 30% capitalism worldwide. It is my view that there is no other course of action but the complete and total extinction of humanity. Sharing will led to justice which must in turn give way to trust. The current push for war must be seen in the bigger context of the battle for global restructuring. Clearly, this is not a ‘temporary downturn’ or ‘healthy adjustment,’ but the collapse of the old, unjust order. The current worldwide meltdown is the logical outcome of our greed and selfishness. It is wise to save and learn to live more simply. This is the choice so that others may live at all. The world has been living in illusion for years, brainwashed into believing that a totally corrupt and unfair economic system could continue forever. These money-spending policies will not work. The times are very different. This is not a Roosevelt New Deal. It is not a passing storm. Soon people will see that sharing is the only way to restructure the world economy. A consumption-driven world economy is a thing of the past. The time has come to build a new system or forfeit our survival.
Nudge Squidfish
I believe that peace is no longer an option and without it we will destroy ourselves. Sharing the resources of the earth will create justice and will lead to peace. Only by sharing can we create the trust upon which all future agreements can be forged.
The current crisis of confidence in global and US economic leadership is due to the fact that investors have lost faith that their 401Ks, or life savings, are stable and safe. With the destruction of the middle class, the mounting trade and budget deficits, the dis-investment in the health and educational infrastructures and personal, corporate and government budget deficits; I see an opportunity for global social innovation and restructuring.
How did this global mess get started? The U.S. Federal Reserve, which is privately owned, lowered the interest rate from 6.5% in 2000 to 1% in 2003. Next they raised the rate in 2004. But by 2007 the U.S. credit-card debt mounted to a whopping $900 billion. Certain factions who control the Fed did not want anyone policing the credit-worthiness of its borrowers. So, originators sold mortgages to speculators who packaged them in a non-transparent way with other assets. It was sort of a pig-in-the-poke approach.
For instance, out of a 10-car package deal, 5 cars were lemons! Next, just like a chain letter, other speculators re-packaged it again and again so that when the meltdown hit transparency was impossible. Thus, many billions in bad mortgages were hidden in the portfolios of Europe, China, Australia and the U.S. . Now all of the banks are unwilling to lend to one another.
I would argue the following points with any of the so called experts:
1. The lowest unemployment occurred in the years when the minimum wage was the highest.
2. The most ethical economic policy is the most beneficial to all.
3. All over the world, poverty is the result of unethical and corrupt economic policy.
4. Low wages equal not enough demand for even higher quantities of products.
5. Lowering interest rates so more people can borrow more money does not raise the living standard.
While the current downturn is good for the climate and will force technological innovations, the fact remains that the value of U.S. derivatives currently outstanding is over one quadrillion (that’s a thousand trillion) dollars. The amount the US congress approved in October of 2008 was only 800 billion. The math doesn’t fit! I have a sneaking suspicion the whole truth will be known by the end of 2009. As the global credit crisis hit in November of 2008 farmers soon discovered, much to their dismay, that they could not get the needed funds to pay for fertilizer--which means less food and more hungry people in the coming cycle. I look for a new wave of food riots around the world to hit in late 2009. Moreover, I believe that international terrorism and extreme poverty and pollution are linked. The current political propaganda that terrorism is the main threat is dead wrong. I believe that humanity is interconnected. The west can not isolate itself from the sick and hungry. To do so is to "cry havoc and let loses the dogs of war". Poverty is the main cause of terrorism. The real security issues for the U.S. are
1. Global militarization
2. Marginalization of developing nations
3. An ever increasing competition for dwindling resources, and
4. Climate change.
To me Climate change, for the most part, is a problem of lifestyles. There is more of a need for a dramatic shift in lifestyles, rather than dependence on green technology for solutions to global warming. We ought to be pursuing a change in lifestyle without a change in comfort. Climate change can be seen as extreme weather patterns, hotter summers, warmer winters, rise in sea levels, stronger storms and hurricanes, droughts and melting glaciers. These are just a few results that come to mind. Just a rise of two degrees Celsius worldwide equals the extinction of 1/3rd of the earth’s animals and plant species. Currently, renewable energy accounts for just 13% of our needs globally. And fossil fuels account for 80%.
Geopolitical security, floods, food and water shortages, refugee migrations, political extremism fueled by poverty, pollution, health problems, a growing unsustainable gap and polarization between rich and poor, these are the real issues at the root of the current worldwide meltdown. They are caused by not sharing the resources of the planet. However, there are certain "vested interests" which are lobbying to suppress the information about environmental destruction, climate change and pollution. They want to keep the current global economic system in tack. I believe that to do so will bring about human extinction.
The five major corporations who control our media fail to inform the public that free market forces are the forces of evil. There are too many Americans who have been conditioned by the "factions" who control the media to think of America as a democratic and just empire. In truth the 5 media corporations that dominate TV are ruled by the least principled and talented within their ranks. Surely our two-party system is not the only or best type of democratic government, as they would have us believe. Every day the media brainwashes the public into believing that free markets are good; that the urge to compete and dominate is not destructive. Believe me when I say that the only end to the current worldwide meltdown, is by sharing the resources of earth equally. Only then will the problems of terrorism, war, unemployment, budget deficits and environmental destruction abate.
And yet there are certain factions within every nation on the globe who have very low ethics. They seek to sanitize media stories about corruption. They don’t want the masses enlightened about political parties being controlled by conglomerates. Presenting objective news isn’t even a goal of American corporate media. The fact is, too many people work too hard for too little so the elite can be immensely rich, without contributing anything to the country. In the period of 2002-2003, corporate conglomerates pushed the Iraq war so as to prevent the stock market from then crashing. After 911 this was about to happen before the Iraq war. You had media corporations like CBS/Viacom, who own General Electric which supplies the military, pushing the pro-war editorials in the months leading up to the war. In the two weeks of February 2003 around the time of Colin Powell’s U.N. Security Council speeches, out of the 393 people interviewed about Iraq on the nightly newscasts, only three were against going to war. As Plato once declared, "only the dead have seen the end of war." The current push for war with Iran must be seen in the bigger context of the battle for global financial restructuring that is now underway. I have no doubt that money and information are equivalent and that economics is really politics in disguise!
Moreover, certain rich nations should not be allowed to control the destinies of poorer nations. The IMF is an instrument of imperialism. The U.S. is the only nation with veto power in the IMF. Both the IMF and the World Bank make decisions that are not in the interests of developing countries. Most trade treaties give rich nations access to 3rd world markets but no quid pro quo. The rich countries’ tariffs ] average four times higher than the poor countries’., Medicine patents ensure rich nations a market in poor nations while at the same time stifling non-brand name medicines or products. It is quite common for rich nations to steal from poor countries by way of patents and notions of private property. Their main tool is the World Trade Organization, which stretches the notion intellectual property rights by applying them to seed, plant, animal and microbes products—even human genes.
The World Bank is forcing privatization in poor countries. Water is a tradable commodity, bought and sold by corporations in poor nations. Public water from rivers is tapped by companies then sold at higher prices back to the communities. And yet, these same companies are getting water, too, as a public good. In almost every industry the notion of the public good has been perverted. What are we to think when a corporation claims that they own our DNA? Business does not like free markets. Business seeks to control markets. They subject the public to enormous amounts of propaganda by way of PR firms and the 5 major media organizations. And to maintain their control they force both the Democratic and Republican parties to eliminate any real content from the election debate. They seek to delude the voters with imagery and rhetoric instead of focusing on the effects of a business run society with a high concentration of centralized wealth. We hear nothing in the media of the relationship between governments and business and how it has brought on humanitarian disasters, economic disparity, global warming or the murderous effects of denied healthcare on the poor.
In function the IMF is essentially a branch of the US Treasury. It relies on debt collection for enforcement of its policies. The IMF exploitation of Argentina in 2001 led to the collapses of its economy. Eventually their leader, Mr. Kirchner, got rid of the IMF and paid off its debts. The collapse taught Argentineans to avoid existing markets in favor of barter flea-markets and Internet swap alternatives. The result led to other nations to payoff their IMF loans, too. Now all of Latin America is moving towards integration with the call for a Latin America Union. In fact, the Bank of the South was just initiated by them and it will be independent form the World Bank. The truth is that IMF and World Banks distribution of wealth is skewed in favor of few people within a few countries, and towards a few rich nations within the whole global system.
I believe that when it comes to trade the rich should open up their markets to the poor without reciprocity. This will help to assuage the issues of terrorism, war, disease, unemployment, budget deficits and environmental destruction. Concerning agricultural products, the third world still faces trade barriers from subsidized rich nations. The head of the World Bank is always a European and his number two is usually America . I believe the focus of both the IMF and World Bank should be away from industrialism and towards agricultural development. This would do a lot to slow down the unsustainable gap and polarization between rich and poor. However, some believe that we can still deal with each problem separately. But the "one at a time" approach has historically failed. They are merely sacrificing our children to economics. Moreover, there are certain moneyed interests that are lobbying to suppress information about environmental destruction, climate change and pollution. There are and have been scientists who are being paid to debunk the idea of global warming. It comes down to this in my view: sharing and needs-based methods of distribution of earth resources versus the current misery-based, free-market approach that enslaves and divides our humanity into rich and poor.
Another truth is that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council export the most arms. There are no free markets for arms dealers. Why are they always granted exports credit? Why are private arms dealers funded with taxpayer money? Why do the five permanent members of the UN Security Council make their employees promote and cut deals for arms makers abroad? Why are funds diverted from their educational, poverty and healthcare budgets to do this? Are not most third world ministers bribed into buying weapons they will never use or need? Does not Lockheed Martin, Boeing and BAE Systems farm out parts production to other countries so as to hide production while at the same time hyping the public with the "patriotism and jobs" myth? I believe the UN Security Council must be dissolve and the principle of majority rule with minority voice be established in the general assembly. The time for worldwide demilitarization has come. The distribution of wealth must be restructured. It can no longer be skewed in favor of a few people in a few countries on a rational basis.
I believe the goal of the UN should be toward building a Commonwealth of Nations and not on dividing humanity into rich and poor nations. It is always the poorest and lowest of any social system who become slaves. American "capitalism" is currently based upon old notions of mid17th century economic slavery. The only difference is the human beings have been replaced with liquidity. Surely, there is no diplomacy in a hungry stomach. And from where I sit there seems to be a tendency of the hungry masses to become violent when deprived of basic human needs. Furthermore, I would argue that the urge to separate mankind politically and economically is a crime against humanity and will only lead to an extinction event.
This distinction between the haves and the have nots must go. The fact is the richest 2% of the people in the world own more then half of the global household wealth. The poorest, who are half of the world population, own barely 1% of the global wealth; while the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of global assets, with the wealthiest 10% owning 85% of global assets. Wealth is heavily concentrated in North America , Europe and high-income Asia-Pacific countries.
Another example is big oil. General motors had a waiting list for 500 EV1 electric cars. Tom Hanks loved his! But once they surpassed California legal limits, what did they do? They forced 1000 EV1 drivers to return the cars or face legal action. However they blew it by donating an EV1 to the Smithsonian only to figure out that "the truth was out there." And yet we are still hearing the same bull from automakers which got huge bailouts to push hybrids because they haven’t developed electric cars technology. Explain why general motors created the all-electric EV1 then discontinued, crushed and shredded it in 2003. Why did the Smithsonian remove it from public display? Was it because GM is one of their biggest contributors giving a $10 million dollar gift in 2001 alone? In the face of global warming, pollution, war and rising gasoline prices one wonders: Do the carmakers really want an all electric car at all? Why are they pushing hybrids? Is it because they don’t want the market to be free, but rather appear so?
While some private investors may currently claim ownership over solar, wind, hydro or geothermal sources of energy, their notion of property rights are now being called into question. This is occurring within the context of financial meltdown where bankers who ran their companies into bankruptcy are given "golden parachutes" at taxpayer expense. Wall Street has become one giant worldwide gambling casino promoting their propaganda of deregulation and privatization. The main tools of their usury are nefarious innovations like hedge funds; offshore special purpose entities; commodities and currency manipulation; and tax heavens, which flood the world with paper fiat money. Add to this sophistry the control of the money and credit supplies, along with interest rates and the notion of supply and demand becomes an inside joke.
And if I may speculate aloud I would say that if UFOs were real then their technology alone would herald an end to our current notion of capitalism. Surely their technology would usher in a cornucopia of safe free energy. What would be the impact on the notion of property rights and ownership then? How could multinationals and academia maintain the ruse of supply and demand? How could they control or restrict access to new safe and free supplies of energy? Wouldn’t profound changes emerge for civilizations around the globe? Wouldn’t this usher in a golden age of truth, justice and sharing?
The truth is that free energy is abundantly available, but being highly suppressed. Cold nuclear fusion was discovered and proven valid on March 26, 2008 , by Professor Martin Fleischmann of Southampton University and Professor Stanley Pons of the University of Utah . However, certain factions employ scientific hired guns to dispute research and repress funding. Surely when the first cavemen discovered fire they too didn’t understand how and why it worked. Suppression of technology has happened many times before in the history of science and industry. In 1900, J. P. Morgan financed inventor Nikola Tesla and his Wardenclyffe Tower with $150,000 for experiments in radio. However, in 1903, when the tower structure was near completion, Morgan wanted to know "Where can I put the meter?" Tesla had no answer. Tesla's vision of free power did not agree with Morgan's supply and demand worldview. But the fact remains that free energy has been available in many forms for many years and is suppressed by an economic system that has outlived its usefulness. Certainly, if he were alive today Thomas Jefferson would wonder about free markets vs. price gorging at the pump. I’m very sure he would demand a constitutional convention to rectify the checks and balances of this current meltdown.
In my opinion there are two competing visions of the New World order. The bad version holds that a few selfish and greed factions with low ethics ought to have total control over every aspect of human existence. They want to hold on to the centralized power and be the world police force so as to enslave other nations economically or militarily. They constantly seek tax-cuts for the rich. This group is against free energy or the sharing of the earth’s resources and ignores the public’s free will with their selfish, "we know best" attitude. They seek by covert means to undermine the principle of majority rule with minority voice.
The other vision seeks to establish a world parliament where power is decentralized and shared by all groups by way of majority rule. They hold that humanity knows best and seeks to serve, nurture and protect mankind from the material forces. Both groups know that as of September 1, 2008 , two billion people earn less that $2 a day and that, given chance, the poor will work to get out of poverty. Both groups also know that by 2050 the population will reach 9 billion. Both have very different agendas to address the population time bomb. However, the facts are that all nations are now gripped by shrinking credit, balance of payments deficits, soaring oil and food prices, and changing weather patterns. These regional climate shifts have brought on new diseases and created oxygen dead zones in our waters. Moreover, unprecedented levels of commerce and consumption powered by fossil fuels cost us more than $204 billion in weather related destruction in 2005 alone.
As 2009 unfolds, the masses will become more and more angry. They will realize that more money supply does not equal more goods and services, rather the opposite. More money supply equals less good and services. They will come to see that economics was never a science, but really politics in disguise. They will come to see free markets as pure propaganda. They will soon want the captains of business to explain how vertical integration increases consumers’ free choice? Explain how planned obsolescent is beneficial to the environment or consumers? Explain how Duke Energy’s overcharging of California by creating a false emergency of rolling blackouts fit the notion of free markets? And they most certainly will shutter to think that they almost allowed the linking of social security to the stock market! Only then will the public count their blessings.
So what is the solution? I will offer this very brief outline and leave it to much greater souls to handle the current worldwide day of reckoning:
1.) Each nation will be invited to make an inventory of its natural resources. Its surplus will be donated to a general pool run by a new UN agency. For example, if the US creates 10 bushels of corn a year, but only consumes 1, then the other 9 bushels would be donated to the UN general pool. Computers could provide the statistics for a rational redistribution. The goal of seeking balance between rich and poor nations is clearly possible. This ought to take 2-3 years to implement. That is, this sophisticated form of barter will replace our old, unjust economic system. This could become the basis for world trust and justice. There could be a federation of independent nations who join together into union for the purpose of world affairs and other objectives. It could be created from the many different political systems. The nations of the world could come together for their mutual benefits and survival.
2.) Elimination of the UN Security Counsel. The UN General Assembly would become a true debating chamber and arbiter. It could have the environment as its highest priority with defense being the lowest. It would be required that all who join this union accept that all disputes must be aired, debated and resolved without war.
3.) An international minimum wage would be implemented.
4.) An international three-day work week would be implemented.
All this would go a long way toward creating justice and setting the stage for trust to grow. Regardless of what others may hold, I predict the day is coming when the ideal relationship for sound social cohesion and justice will be a mix of 70% socialism and 30% capitalism worldwide. It is my view that there is no other course of action but the complete and total extinction of humanity. Sharing will led to justice which must in turn give way to trust. The current push for war must be seen in the bigger context of the battle for global restructuring. Clearly, this is not a ‘temporary downturn’ or ‘healthy adjustment,’ but the collapse of the old, unjust order. The current worldwide meltdown is the logical outcome of our greed and selfishness. It is wise to save and learn to live more simply. This is the choice so that others may live at all. The world has been living in illusion for years, brainwashed into believing that a totally corrupt and unfair economic system could continue forever. These money-spending policies will not work. The times are very different. This is not a Roosevelt New Deal. It is not a passing storm. Soon people will see that sharing is the only way to restructure the world economy. A consumption-driven world economy is a thing of the past. The time has come to build a new system or forfeit our survival.
Nudge Squidfish