
As a progressive ‘yellow-dog’ Democrat who happens to work in the Ports for New York Harbor find it urgent to speak on the current Dubai fiasco. 

Republicans and Democrats alike have taken aim at this takeover of the operations at six U.S. Ports to a company owned by Dubai Ports World, of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Dubai Ports World is buying the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, a British-owned firm which has contracts to run cargo terminals in New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami, and New Orleans.

Cargo Terminals in U.S. Ports have been operated by foreign based companies for well over a decade now.  The reason, purely the truth here, that this deal is attracting so much attention and gathering so much angst, is because Dubai Ports is owned by an Arab government that is suspected to have links to terrorism.  After all the United Arab Emirates was home to two of the September 11th highjackers, and was proven to be a financial base for the operation.  UAE has also been implicated in a nuclear smuggling ring.  It was identified as a transfer point for nuclear components from Pakistani scientists to Iran, Libya, and North Korea.

Should we be concerned?

Yes and no.

If the Dubai Ports takeover happens, and it will, understand they will have control over nothing more than the operation of some of the cargo terminals in this above mentioned cities.  Republicans and Democrats alike are conveniently forgetting that these ports are owned by local taxpayers, thus ran by their local governments.  Many companies are awarded contracts to operate multiple tasks by these governments – currently in place – some are foreign, others U.S. based.

Port security is solely in the hands of the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  The Coast Guard patrols the ports, inspects facilities – including terminals – and collects information on incoming ships and the sailors on board.

Customs agents inspect the cargo containers only once they reach U.S. ports.  And in tremendously increasing incidences, they are inspecting cargo terminals and containers loading in foreign ports; the U.S. having agreements to do so with 42 major ports – soon to be 50.

What concerns me here is the hint of racism disguised as national security concerns.  The reality is that Dubai Ports World will be held to a higher standard because they are Arabic.  This, to me, seemingly outlines a plan for success in prevention of any infiltration of ill-willed minds toward the U.S. and our interests.  The cries against Dubai Ports World are bi-partisan.  We can’t just finger Senator Schumer of my New York, but also Senator Frist of Tennessee. 

As a ‘yellow-dog’ Democrat I expect Frist and his allies to be barking on this, but not members of ‘my’ party.  The ineptitude evidence that continuously swirls around this administration is sadly clear each day.  I want more than anything to relish in all the missteps of this administration.  But I cannot.  We, the American people, are the recipients of these horribly conceived policies, and have become both the abhorred and laughed at, throughout the world.  But here, on the Dubai matter, the only errors, which are biggies, dealt by the Bush Administration, is the arrogance of not involving and seeking Senate and Congressional input – entitlements by law.  And the fact that this White House continues to blow smoke up our haunches about they being the only ones in American politics today capable of defending America against terrorism, fueling fear in any possible way while underfunding Port Security miserably and shamefully, leaving them to local governments instead. 

Profiling is wrong and illegal.  Let’s not play this game.  Let us deal with the real issues like Port Security.  Dubai Ports World is not the real issue.