If my moans made your core showery
I'd roar more over day and night
It heals a muster of my anguish
All I know you cannot sojourn
On cloud nine leaving me alone
With pleasure shadows my pain
I’d do by my ego for sure, but
Age and prayers bow my laps
Beseeching you, God!
You can bid peace I know
If there is no cries in paradise
Why on your wrought earth?
Where goodness pays in ordeal
As you gather in the place
All Your lovely creations
I'd roar more over day and night
It heals a muster of my anguish
All I know you cannot sojourn
On cloud nine leaving me alone
With pleasure shadows my pain
I’d do by my ego for sure, but
Age and prayers bow my laps
Beseeching you, God!
You can bid peace I know
If there is no cries in paradise
Why on your wrought earth?
Where goodness pays in ordeal
As you gather in the place
All Your lovely creations