Question: Which figure from American history does John Kerry most resemble, Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy?

Correct Answer: Greg Louganis.

I sincerely hope that the above joke does not foreshadow the outcome of this presidential contest. But I fear that it may. John Kerry has apparently given up. He is not defending himself against the vicious serial attacks of the Republicans. He is running nothing that could honestly be labeled a presidential campaign, let alone one intended to defeat President Bush. Does he actually think that "I'm Not Bush" will be enough to put him in the White House, that the highest office in the land will simply be bestowed upon him on that basis? You do not run a weak and passive, indeed invisible campaign if you truly want to be president. If John Kerry is indeed competing, and not playing us all for fools by "taking a dive", he had best start fighting very hard, and very soon.