"Please be aware that this type of activity must be scheduled in advance in order to have permission to be on campus or you may be considered trespassing." -- Kathleen Armontrout, Campus Scheduling Office, University of Cincinnati.
I find it fascinating (in that fascist kind of way) that a public institution on public property supported by public monies could claim any lawful citizen doing anything legal (freedom to assemble) would be trespassing. Obviously an attempt by UC administration to join forces with majority parties in bullying third party candidates and stomping on the democratic process.
Tammy Makela
Supporter, Peirce for Ohio campaign
I find it fascinating (in that fascist kind of way) that a public institution on public property supported by public monies could claim any lawful citizen doing anything legal (freedom to assemble) would be trespassing. Obviously an attempt by UC administration to join forces with majority parties in bullying third party candidates and stomping on the democratic process.
Tammy Makela
Supporter, Peirce for Ohio campaign